News 1998 - 2002Last Update: 06. november 2003 December 30. 2002: Setlist and photos from House of Blues December 28. 2002. Thanks to Dan Clark and The New Guy. From LA WEEKLY's 2nd annual "List" issue: under: LIVE HIGHLIGHTS OF 2002 (page 41) I've updated the links page with a lot of new sites and also many online reviews from the 2002 tour
Review, photos and setlist from Warsaw, New York December 21. 2002. Thanks to Lisa Rosenberg and Christina Crocker.
The radiobroadcast of Roskilde Festival on danish radio was of the usual
standard for this station, a lot of talk inbetween and over the songs, wrong
running order, songs were not complete - faded in and out. The program lasted
for about 55 minuttes including the dj. Review of Four Sail in The Guardians (after reviews of Bob Dylan and Lee Hazlewood) The new edition of The Castle is out with a lot of informations about the
start of the 2002 tour and other interesting things.
Danish national radio will be
broadcasting a part of the Roskilde Festival concert on sunday 15th at 00:05 AM on channel
P4. Timezone is GMT +1:00. Hope this is of any help for you. December 3. 2002: The past 12 months have seen Baby Lemonade re-group with David Chapple and backing
Arthur Lee in the reformed LOVE. If you haven't already found out where the Andmoreagains secret show will take place, combine secret link #1 with secret link #2. If it still doesn't make any sence, go to Forever Changes Concerts 2003
Review and more photos from the Jimi Hendrix 60th Birthday Celebration at BB King's. Thanks to Jazmann and The New Guy.
Photos from Jimi Hendrix 60th Birthday Celebration at BB King's. Thanks to The New Guy in UK has a
competition for free tickets to the concert in Birmingham. You can find details on this by
Setlists for Edinburgh 3. June 2002 and Southhampton 8. June 2002 Thanks to Ed, The Freedom Man
2 new december dates in the US added to Summer 2002 Tour (and Winter 2002) Setlists for Chicago 2. August 2002 and New York 11. August 2002 Thanks to Ed, The Freedom Man
Happy Birthday Mike Randle. Updated Forever Changes Concerts 2003
Information from The Official Newsletter of LOVE with Arthur Lee: LOVE TO PLAY JIMI HENDRIX BIRTHDAY BASH FOREVER CHANGES CONCERTS 2003 UPDATES Got this from Jeff Duncan: Updated the Tourlist with Mike's latest countdowns. This might be a bit off topic, but Sam Lapidos, a good friend of Dave Chappel, will be playing in Denmark. Check out the Fan Link page for more informations.
Updated the Forever Changes Concerts 2003 list. Photos from 35th Anniversary of the Summer of Love can be found at Chet Helms site. Look at page 3 and 26. Updated the Tourlist with Mike's latest countdowns.
Yesterday number 100.000 payed a visit to this site. It's great for me to see that the information I have included is appriciated, but this couldn't have been done without your contribution, so a BIG THANKS to all who has supported me in the past and hopefully will do the same in the future. Added information to the Tour List - new dates, posters and more links to Mike's Diary. Please check and see if you know of any dates not included or if you have reviews of some of the concerts.
Added photos to 35 years after the famous Summer of Love in San Francisco Thanks to Keith Stodart
Added review to Belly Up, San Francisco September 26. 2002. Thanks to Howard Airhart The latest edition of Ugly Things Magazine features an interview with Michael Stuart, the drummer with Love from 66-68.
UK dates for the Forever Changes Concert Tour 2003 has been announced
Gary Rowles has been searching for the whereabouts of Frank Fayad for some time now. If you know how to get in contact with him please let me know. Review of 35 years after the famous Summer of Love in San Francisco Thanks to Keith Stodart A lot of Love fans has a website, if you want to be on a Love Fan Link page let me know
Added a lot of dates to the Tourlist, including links to Mike's
diary at The Freedom Man's site.
Love with Arthur Lee will be part of a concert to celebrate the 35 years after the famous Summer of Love in San Francisco October 20. More info here: More dates on the way in UK for the FOREVER CHANGES CONCERTS 2003, including these
cities: Liverpool, Glasgow, Brighton, Milton Keynes, Cambridge; Manchester, Bristol and
Newcastle. All news above is from the The Official Tour Newsletter , you can join in at Love with Arthur Lee Added photos of Arthur Lee and me in Odense, Denmark. No comments on the old man to the left! Thanks to Kurt Andersen
Added photos to Bowery Ballroom, New York 10. August. Thanks to Lisa Rosenberg
Added another review to Bowery Ballroom, New York 10. August. Thanks to John W. Harding. Kevin Walsh send me 2 scans from the 1960-61 Dorsey High School yearbook. One with Arthur Lee and the baseball team, another with Johnny Echols and the Dorsey Band.
Liz Barnett came up with a great idea of sharing memories of shows from the past. I think this is a great idea, so if you have been to a shows and would like to share your thought with all of us, please mail it to me and I'll put in a sort of Fan Diary (got a better word?). A new date for Forever Changes Tour 2003 has
been announced at Brighton
Dome in Brighton, UK. Added a new page with photos from Irish Center, Leeds August 27. 2002. Thanks to Dave Pearce
Q magazine in UK are running a top 100 albums of all time poll. Many years ago Forever
Changes was close to the top of this. Added reviews to Henry Fonda Theater, LA September 27. 2002. Thanks to Chuck Maiden and Matthew Greenwald
Just back from a 2 week holiday on the Greek island Crete. Lost of sun, relaxing and
enjoying the Greek hospitality. Ed, The Freedom Man has his site up and running again with a new adress: so check out Mike Randle's diary. Setlist
and photos to Henry Fonda Theater, LA September 27. 2002
Thanks to The New Guy.
scan added to Ellinikos Kosmos, Athens Greece September 5 2002
Thanks to Vagelis Nikitopoylos
new diary from Mike Randle on holiday in Greece.
new photos Fleece & Firkin, Bristol UK September 3 2002
Thanks to Mike "Dukie" Anderson
new diary from Mike Randle on holiday in Greece.
Summer 2002 Tour has ended. There's still 3 US dates at the end of September, but the
European part is over for now and I'm sure a lot of fans will agree with me that so far
this year has been a fantastic one for all of us. Thank you Arthur Lee, Dave Chapple, Rusty Squeezebox, David Green, Mike Randle and Gene Kraut. Now I hope you all will get some well deserved rest. A
new diary from Mel Cicero has been added. September 6. 2002: Added another review to Liquid Room, Edinburgh August 23. 2002 Thanks to Alec Stevenson The british magazine 'Dazed & Confused' # 92 of august features a 4-page article on Arthur Lee. Mainly about the first albums and with a great picture (photography: Lee Powers ) of Arthur in 'Singing Cowboy' clothes.
Added setlist to The Academy, Birmingham September 1. 2002.
Thanks to Alan Dawes
Added more photo to Nighttown, Rotterdam August 30. 2002.
Thanks to Ed, The Freedom Man
The September issue of Record Collector has 8 pages with Arthur Lee and Love. There's an interview with Arthur Lee and also a feature about collectable records. Added 2 more review to Nighttown, Rotterdam August 30. 2002. Thanks to Sjoerd Leenstra and Keith Stodart
Added photo to Nighttown, Rotterdam August 30. 2002.
Thanks to Peter Visser
Setlist and review for Nighttown, Rotterdam August 30. 2002.
Thanks to Peter Visser an Ed, The Freedom Man
Added photos to Irish Center, Leeds August 27. 2002. Thanks to
Chris Jones
Ed, The Freedom Man's site will be offline in the next couple of days. Meanwhile you can read Mike Randle's Diary here. New dates for California has been added to Summer 2002 Tour Here's news from The
Official Tour Newsletter of LOVE with Arthur Lee: Review of Irish Center, Leeds August 27. 2002. Thanks to Liz
Barnett Review of the Canterbury 2002 Festival at pOoTer's pSycheDelic shAcK Ed Perlstein has some photos available at
The Journal, Newcastle: The best known band never to chart
Review of Liquid Room, Edinburgh August 23. 2002. Thanks to Joan Duffin One more review of Lemon Tree, Aberdeen Thanks to Fiona Young Added poster to Nighttown, Rotterdam August 30. 2002. Thanks to Keith Stodart
I have tried to setup a message board - hope it works. Review of Lemon Tree, Aberdeen. Thanks to Charles Scott and Ray C. Added setlist to Milton Keynes 5. June 2002 Thanks to Mike "Dukie" Anderson
More photos added to Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. Thanks to Mike "Dukie" Anderson
If you haven't seen the Love with Arthur Lee newsletter, here's the part with news about the future: LOVE IN THE FALL/WINTER You can join the mailinglist here: Added photos to Queen Elizabeth Hall, London and
Robin 2, Wolverhampton. Thanks to Mike "Dukie"
Anderson August 16. 2002: Added some wonderful photos to Bowery Ballroom, New York 10. August. Thanks to Gary Brant. Philadelphia Inquirer: Arthur Lee gives sold-out house a flashback to a storied past
Setlis & Review of North Star, Philadelphia. Thanks to ?? the Village Voice: Andmoreagain
More reviews from Bowery Ballroom, New York 10. August Thanks to
Christina Crocker and Thomas Adams.
Review and setlist from Bowery Ballroom, New York 10. August. Thanks to Don Cohen and Ed, The Freedom Man
Added setlist and photos to Middle East, Cambridge Thanks to Justin Purington Scan of setlist from New York. Thanks to Howard Forbes Rolling Stone: Arthur Lee's New Love
Added setlist and review to Buffalo. Thanks to Erin
MetroTimes: Free Love
Chicago review at Metromix Detroit Free Press: Arthur Lee's Love affair Cleveland Free Times: Tough Love
A whole lotta love article in Chicago Sun-Times. Review of the Double Door, Chicago
Added photos to EMP, Seattle. Thanks to jazmaan More about the Canadian border problem at JamMusic One more review of Bimbos, SF. Thanks to Richard Sands
Article about the Canadian border problem at Toronto Globe and Mail
New show added in Buffalo at the Continental for Tuesday, August 6th. Photos added to the Knitting Factory. Thanks to Brad Davis.
Added setlist and review for Sky Church, EMP, Seattle. Thanks jazmaan. New photos added to Randers, Denmark. Thanks to Hardy Nielsen
The concert in Vancouver was cancelled because some customs refused to allow the band
into Canada. See also Mike Randle's Diary Added reviews and photos to Wow Hall, Eugene Thanks to Bruce Nelson(review) and John Lake (review and photos) Added review and photos to Roseland Theater, Portland. Thanks to Brad Davis (review) and Neil Goldstein (photos). There's a review at Bubba's Monkey Calendar for Portland of the Roseland concert.
Added more reviews to Bimbos, San Francisco Article in Seattle Weekly
The Summer 2002 Tour has started in San Francisco. Setlist and short review from Kevin Walsh. Just got the promo of the remastered Four Sail album. And I must say I really enjoy getting this on cd in a great quality. It includes 3 bonus tracks, all alternate mixes, Robert Montgomery (3:35), Talking in my sleep (2:56) & Singing cowboy (5:56) - more then one minute longer. Still no date for the release!?!? Just found a review of the Spaceland, L.A. april gig at
Feature in the San Francisco Chronicle
New dates added for Europe Summer 2002
Added extra date at the Bowery Ballroom July 12. 2002: Added a new date for Bristol, UK 3. September 2002
If you missed out any of the merchandice on the tour, it's possible to buy some Bandmad I could not figure out the question about Dorsey High School in the contest on The Freedom Man's site, but I can show you a picture of Arthur Lee in the 1960-61 Dorsey High School yearbook, thanks to Kevin Walsh Added one more review to Roskilde and here's a link to a review in Dagsavisen, Norway and another articel from the same paper telling how Primal Screams bassist Gari "Mani" Mounfield thinks the melodi to Madonnas "Beautiful Stranger"is stolen from Arthur Lee.
Added setlist and more reviews to Roskilde
Michael West sent me this review. Robert Plant has a new cd single out with live version A House Is Not A Mote as bonus track. Take a look at the picture of Robert in the article in Dagbladet - Norway June 29. 2002: Tonight is the date for the Roskilde Festival, unfortunately I won't be there, but this
will be a HUGE concert. The festival is totally sold out, more then 70.000 tickets. The
area around the Green Stage has a capacity of 15.000 and hopefully it will be packed with
Love fans. Soren Bentin send me some photos taken after the concert in Copenhagen.
Paull Barr send me this great photos from Edinburgh of Arthur Lee with Colin Grainger & Chris Davidson. Review of the Dublin concert at Sorted magAZine June 26. 2002: Added photos to Barcelona and Edinburgh. Thanks to Paul Barr
Added setlist and review to The Ambassador, Dublin 16. June 2002 Mail from Mike Randle: Hello friends of LOVE and Baby Lemonade and everything else. I have written a 5 song EP (about 30 min. of music) titled MIKE RANDLE:TRAVEL SONGS I plan to record it sometime around mid-September, when we finally get a break from the road, in my home studio. The songs are pretty much folkish, comfy tunes, about places and people and other stuff and i plan to keep the production interesting, yet simple. I also plan to ask some friends to play on it, like Arthur Lee, the other guys in LOVE, a few Wondermint guys and, hopefully my friends, Stew & Heidi, the opening act for the UK tour we just completed. The idea is as follows: I will make the Artwork available from a (as yet to be determined) site and you can download it and print it out free. I will have the CDs in place in Spain, Greece, Italy, Germany, Holland, England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Scotland and France (as well as the USA). All you have to do, if you are interested, is pay for the shipping of the CD, which should come to about $1.50, or #1 or 1.55 Euros or about 7 or 8 Scandanavian Kronas. Ok you get the point! Bascially, this is my way of sharing some music with friends and totally side-stepping record companies, so no one can get in the way of the musician, the fan and the music. I am making the shipping points local so that you may send a check or something convenient and hassle free. I don't know if anyone has done it exactly like this, and it may prove to be more work than i bargained for, but i think it's worth a try. Anyone interested can simply e-mail the address below with your name and address and,
come November, everything should be in place. Feel free to pass this on to a friend as
well. For the paltry price of "chump change" you can have a bit of new music for
the holidays. And, by all means, feel free to burn copies for anyone you think may enjoy
such tunes. And you won't have to PAY until the project is completed. And you will be able
to sample a several seconds of each song as well. Thanks for you time. Cheers, Mike Randle June 24. 2002: Added Liverpool review from Jon and another review from Gigwise
Mike Randle is doing a solo gig in London tomorrow at the 12 Bar Club
Here's Peter Bradley's words on the Early
Day Motions Web Site New dates has been added for the North American
Tour and also some new ones in Europe.
From NME: UK MPS Show Love
for Arthur Lee
Spring 2002 Tour is over and a new one is on its way. Added photos from Malmö, Sweden May 25. 2002 and poster from
Paris (I need setlist and review). Setlist and review from London
Tim Cumming did an interview with Arthur Lee in april. Read his article in The Independent Article in Daily Record: Love is all around as Arthur returns June 9. 2002: Some dates for the Nort American Tour has
been announced. 2 festival shows are also on the list.
2 articles about the Edinburgh show at Arthur Lee in Love & Pic of the day: Arthur Lee Setlist and photos from Arena, Madrid, Spain, June 1. 2002 Review from Valencia. Thanks Will McCarthy -
Review from Melkweg, Amsterdam, Holland, May 29. 2002 and setlist from Utrecht, Holland May 28. 2002 Dates for the US tour can be found at Pollstar Another date is on August 6th, Toronto, Canada at Lee's Palace. Tickets go on sale saturday. Love Comes To Valencia article at 24-7 Valencia
Review and more photos from Pumpehuset, Copenhagen, Denmark
May 17 2002 The remastered version of Da Capo is finally out. Including a 16 page booklet with great notes by Andrew Sandowal.
If you haven't bought tickets for this tour you should hurry, because a lot of the
shows are sold out. Check the Spring Tour 2002 page. I have added scan of the tourposter and ticket on the Stockholm page. Thanks Åke Ericsson
Setlist & Pictures from Copenhagen, Denmark May 17 2002 Review & Pictures from Randers, Denmark May 18. 2002 Another review of the Spaceland concert at SoundSpike May 17. 2002: I'll face this day with a smile May 10. 2002: The new remastered version of Da Capo will include both mono and stereo versions of the
album. Bonus track is tracking session of Seven And Seven Is. May 8. 2002: Message from 7&7IS2002...The Official Tour Newsletter of LOVE with Arthur Lee: Another message in the newsletter is "not to wait to purchase your tickets if you
have any intention on seeing what is already being referred to by some as "the show
of the year"." Another review of the Knitting Factory has been added to the Spring 2002 Tour page. May 7. 2002: "Love
On Earth Will Be Again" is the name of an article in Entertainment Today May 3. 2002: Added reviews from the Knitting Factory show at Spring 2002 Tour. May 1. 2002: Today is the day. Tonight is the concert at the Knitting Factory. This is the first
concert by Love with Arthur Lee in USA an it marks the start of a tour that will bring
them to Europe to play 25 dates. Theres a brief article about the show at AOL Local Los Angeles
A review in LA Weekly of the Spaceland gig can be found here and another one from Launch Those going to the show in Stockholm, Sweden on May 21 will be in for a special treat.
Arthur and the band will apear with an eight-piece horn and string ensemble. This will be
the only show of this kind on this current tour, though Arthur has some plans for
celebrating the 35th anniversary of Forever Changes later in the year with concerts
including a horn and string section. April 5. 2002: Arthur Lee returned to the stage tuesday night at Spaceland under the name of
Andmoreagains.. March 17. 2002: FIRST USA LOVE WITH ARTHUR LEE DATE IN SIX YEARS ANNOUNCED! NEW DANISH DATE SCHEDULED March 15. 2002: From 7and7is2002, the official tour newsletter of Love with Arthur Lee: We're all normal and we want our freedom! Love Revisited March 11. 2002: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARTHUR, MARCH 7 New venues has been added to the Spring
2002 Tour. LOVE IN THE USA: The remastered version of Da Capo will be released in May. Check out the band Furthur
and hear their version of A House Is Not A Motel and some of their own songs. March 4. 2002 So far these are the dates for the Spring
2002 Tour that I know of. If you have any additions please let me know March 4. 2002 New informations from Gene Kraut about the forthcomming tour: Hello to all. Here is the first of what I am hoping to be many announcements regarding live tour dates and other LOVE with ARTHUR LEE events/happenings. It's a very exciting time to be a LOVE fan and friend. I am proud to be working with Arthur and the band again and happy to report that Arthur is in great spirits and fine form...and very eager to get out on the road and share his music again. Arthur and band are currently in rehearsals for their first performances in almost six years. Shortly, initial West Coast dates will be announced, leading up to a Spring 2002 European tour, which commences on May 16 in Denmark. So far, shows are scheduled for Scandinavia, Germany, France, Spain and the Netherlands (the dates will be announced any day now). After the tour winds up in the UK (see the dates below), there are plans to play several more US cities, then perhaps return to Europe for some festivals before the summer's end. Then, later in the Fall / Winter and to celebrate its 35th year in release, plan on Love with Arthur Lee to present special performances of FOREVER CHANGES in its entirety...complete with orchestration and special guests, recreating "live" for the first time ever one of the best pop albums ever made (but you already know that). You will soon be able to keep informed of all things Love with Arthur Lee by logging onto; Arthur's official website, in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing all of you. PS: Those of you who loved what Mazzy Star did with Arthur's "Five String Serenade" several years ago, should check out the debut single of new RCA band, Trik Turner at
with Gene Kraut February 13. 2002 An email from Baby Lemonade's Mike Randle tells me that "Mr. Arthur Lee is back
and is as vital and fresh as he's ever been! " Two more remastered Love albums are on the way, Da Capo and Four Sail. Both should include bonus tracks. There's no release dates for the moment, but it should be soon. There's also talk about a European tour, so if you want to book Arthur for a gig try to
contact his sole manager Gene Kraut December 13. 2001 Good News about Arthur Lee in Rolling
Stone (The article includes a picture taken by the webmaster - stolen from this
web - and without credits) November 8. 2001 Dear friends, the California Circuit Appeals Court has decided to throw out Arthur
Lee's original REDICULOUS 12-year conviction from 1996 (gee, thanks Judge.) for firing a
gun (in the air in Sherman Oaks, of all places.).
October 19. 2001 Finally had time to catch up with a lot of updates. I still need a few additions to the
covers section and a few other things, but they will be added in the next days. I just got this mail from Robert Rozelle: "I have a bit of good news. Arthur´s attorney will finally
get his day Even though Kevin Delaney has stopped the writing of his book about Love, you can still read about it in Kevins Corner April 10. 2001 From Record Collector (April 2001 no. 260 page 12). SWEET AS KANDY - Amazing lost footage found March 8. 2001 It's amazing! It's absolutely fantastic! Bryan MacLean now has an officiel webside, check it out her: Dough Thomas who was Arthurs business advisor/business partner has a page with clippings and a nice photo of Arthur If you come across ads for a gig by Arthur Lee this is not the one you might think.He
is what some would call an imposter, he even calls his page Arthur Lee Music
I wonder if he was born with that nam. The typing on his page and on the cd cover even
look familiar New Bryan MacLean album. June 2. 2000 It's been quite awhile since I made any updates, but I'll try to find some time and add
new informations. New Arthur Lee live album.
March 15. 1999: Bryan MacLean