Ballroom, New York
USA August 11. 2002
Last Update:
november 2003

My Little Red Book
Orange Skies
Your Mind And We Belong Together
Live And Let Live
Alone Again Or
Bummer In The Summer
Signed D.C.
7 & 7 Is
Between Clark And Hilldale
The Red Telephone
She Comes In Colours
The Daily Planet
You Set The Scene
Stephanie Knows Who
Everybody´s gotta Live/Instant Karma
My Flash On You
A House Is Not a Motel
Singing Cowboy
Review from Thomas Adams:
My girlfriend and I flew from New Jersey to California to see Arthur at the Knitting
Factory since it was the only show scheduled for the US at that point in time. Based on
how incredible Arthur and band were at that show, I was really excited to hear about the
Bowery shows in New York. The place was great, it had a nice dimly lit bar (not too crowed
either) downstairs with $5 import beers which is as inexpensive as it gets in NYC. The
ballroom was located up a flight of stairs and was small (500 capacity). I love seeing
bands at these small places. I also don´t try to get as close to the stage as possible
since I really don´t like being smushed amongst a pack of bodies. It makes it hard to get
a beer and use the bathroom. There were small balcony areas up top which I think were
reserved for people. Unlike the Knitting Factory, which appeared to be a newer structure,
the Bowery Ballroom was an old building.
Saturday night Arthur came on at approximately 10:15 wearing a tan/white cowboy hat,
under which was a red, white and blue bandana, the black shirt with sequins and playing
cards on the chest, and blue jeans. Arthur explained that he had a slight case of
laryngitis before the opener of My Little Red Book. Despite the fact that it could be said
that he sounded slightly better at the Knitting Factory, he sounded great, and there was
no loss overall in his performace as a result. The most obvious thing about the music was
that the band has improved a lot. Baby Lemonade was incredible in L.A. in May, but they
were tighter and more gelled than before. Mike Randle, who explained to me after the show
that he hadn´t been playing for two (2) years prior to the Knitting Factory gig, was more
than exceptional as was Dave Chapel´s bass. Dave had that awesome bass sound down that
you hear on the bass solo on "My Flash on You" on the first album. People were
really into the show and Arthur was smiling and very animated. He would act out the words
with his hands to many of the lines he was singing, pointing to someone "sitting on
the couch" in the balcony and making machine gun gestures at "I recognize your
artillery" during Red Telephone". I also think he was crossing his eyes when he
sang "look in my eyes!" He had the whole room shouting "Freedom!" at
the end of the song as well, which was very fun and powerful. The only thing that wasn´t
totally positive about the performance (and not really Arthur´s fault) was at one point,
near the third-quarter of the show, Arthur got very upset at someone who was apparently
videotaping his performance. He angrily told the people "don´t try to steal my
shit!" and then said "you know what, you two leave, get out!" as he stood
in front of them, his long arms waved upwards towards the back of the room. It was a scene
that threw off the good vibes for a moment. The two didn´t leave however and Arthur sang
a couple of dedicated lines to them with a sarcastic smile. August was unexpected,
appreciated, and it shook the rafters with Randle peircing the night with splintering
solos throughout. The new blues song was a true mississippi-type blues song that appears
to be an original. Hope it appears on the new album! Overall, a very exciting and
memorable performance. After the show Arthur did not emerge to sign autographs. When Mr.
Lee did finaly try to exit the bar quietly around 12:45, one guy managed to acquire an
autograph from a tired-looking Lee, who was quickly excorted out by Manager Gene Kraut.
After the performance he gave, I feel, Arthur´s responsibilites are complete.
Sunday sold out as well. I ordered a beer from the bar and talked with a gentleman
about our connections to Love music. This guy got into Love in 1974, but tonight would be
his first show. I told him I wish I was him tonight! There was a guy wearing a sleeveless
"Fastway" T-shirt at the bar! I felt like asking him if he knew where he was.
The Sunday show as not quite as good as the previous night. I think the crowd was a lot
more subdued and the energy demand wasn´t as great. I stood next to some deadbeats for a
good part of the show who just stared. I met a guy later named Damian and he and his
girlfriend were totally into it and I enjoyed the last couple of songs with them. The
night produced the best "You Set The Scene" I have heard so far and Arthur´s
harmonica on "Signed D.C." was absolutely mesmerizing. The band brought the
music to powerful moments at several times during the show and Mike Randle was forging the
furnace as he was the night before. August and Singing Cowboy were perfect with Arthur
pointing at varying people in the audience..."am I coming through to you?",
replied by fans singing "yoo-hoo!". Late in the show Arthur speaks and says
"Everybody´s talking about, who is he, Bruce Springsteen", "They say he is
the boss or something like that? suck my d*ck!". You gotta´ hand it to Arthur,
he has a set of brass ones. He had me laughing very hard, though! Again, Arthur also
pointed someone out saying "I like the way this guy looks at me, I´ve gotta´ hand
it to him, I can´t tell if you like me or if you think I suck"..or someting close to
that. I guess the guy then gave Arthur a thumbs-up because Arthur said "Oh" with
a nod as he repeated the gesture back. You can see the tough side of Arthur sometimes
during his performance and it should be expected since he did survive six years in jail
and hasn´t exactly had an easy life. I would like to see him not getting upset during the
shows, but it really reminds you that he is a human and a passionate one at that. Thanks
Arthur for two (2) great shows. Come back soon!