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 Love / Arthur Lee
 Burg Herzberg gig

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loveundpeaceGünther Posted - 17/07/2005 : 19:43:10
I'm very sorry to say that the gig that the band played at the Burg Herzberg festival was really bad, and definitely not worth travelling 500 kilometers (although the rest of the festival compensated somewhat).
I've seen them twice before, in 2002 and 2003, and that were probably the best shows I've ever seen. But this one?
The singer sings the lyrics right. Hurrah. But where is the soul? These guys really looked like they didn't give a damn about the songs they were playing.
A huge disappointment.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Allan Posted - 21/02/2006 : 19:55:12
Allan Posted - 19/02/2006 : 19:22:08

I'm very interested to hear your take on Arthur and LOVE when you met them in 1968. You're saying you were 10 years old then, so how were you turned on to LOVE, and what did you think of the music (and the scene) coming from a 10 year old's head.

Where did you meet them? Was it at the Whiskey?

Did you live near them?

Please tell me why you felt LOVE was so special?

When I was living in LA in '70, I was 21. Living in Laurel Canyon, I actually got to meet some younger guys that lived on the street (Wonderland). There was a grade school at the foot of Wonderland...I think it was called The Canyon or The Wonderland School. The kids were about 10 or 12, real long hair, and really quite cool. I remember a few of them digging Lee Michaels back then.


ZFarrar Posted - 15/02/2006 : 01:47:30
I can't believe she complained about how dude was dressed. Lame. Like being a cool
retro hippie means wearing the uniform of the past. First off Arthur Lee and the
original band were not really hippies. The Grateful Dead--those were hippies.
Arthur was like "hey my way or the highway" --Course he never changed. Other 60's
bands quite frankly were afraid of Love. Let me school ya, newbies. Cause I first
was introduced to the band when I was 10 in 1968. Met Arthur any number of times.
Know Randle, etc. Johnny Echols is the real deal. Not some guy in a tribute band.
More importantly Randle and company are the best version of Love since the
original guys broke up the band. I really like Jay Donnelan's playing and all,
but as Snoopy once said "after the original band broke up-the new version of
Love was not special" Didn't mean they weren't tremendous players, just that
Arthur-Bryan-Snoopy-Echols-Forrsi, & Stuart were really something special.
Baby Lemonade became Love, that's it. ALso newbies, realize that Bryan was
responsible for some of the best songs Love ever did. It wasn't just Arthur.
markk Posted - 26/07/2005 : 20:51:42
I would have done the same Jimmyboy
jimmyboy Posted - 26/07/2005 : 04:54:54
What a night that was!! I drove down from San Francisco the day before the Anaheim House of Blues show and parked my rental car in the hotel parking lot in Hollywood. Next afternoon went to
get the car discovered it has been stolen! I was freaked and wasn't going to go to the concert (25 miles south) but the cops who took the report said I ought to try and make it. I called the car rentalc who gave me another car (when renting a car ALWAYS GET THE INSURANCE!!)..It was pouring rain and the traffic was hell and I didnt realize that the H O B was inside Disneyland!!I got there a little late but it was a KILLER SHOW!!
jazmaan Posted - 26/07/2005 : 03:54:57
Yes House of Blues Anaheim was surprisingly good. Arthur seemed on his best behavior for the Disneyland tourists!
ocfan Posted - 26/07/2005 : 01:29:45
Still want to dress Rusty up in kohl and glitter. Think it would have solved the whole problem. lol
P.S. Both the HOB in Anaheim and Hollywood were great. Hollywood because of the strings and horns and Arthurs sobriety. Anaheim because with the band as awesome as they were, I didn't even miss the strings.

Fred in Bed Posted - 25/07/2005 : 14:04:06
I think everybody should just be cool about this, including Mike.

You can't please everybody all of the time and it's all subjective. If someone doesn't rate a performance there's no harm in being honest about it. Sure, they can be wrong in their assessments such as the band not caring, but as as long as they present them in an openly subjective rather than dogmatic way, I don't see that as a problem. They can even present their opinions as to whether sartorial presentation is important or not. And everyone has the right to disagree with them. But everybody should respect each other's opinions at the same time and not take them too personally.

caryne Posted - 25/07/2005 : 09:31:18
Originally posted by johnnylovejoy

WOW! What a great debate Me thinks me has the trump card.
a twenty four track tape of the show in Germany exists! audio
and video. The venue has offered it to us for a fee (naturally.) If we can make a deal to procure said tape: One can then judge for themselves

ps: I will post my thoughts,on this strange episode as soon as I
recover my bearings, but for now I would like to express my sincere

Cheers, Johnny, now that will be worth listening to.

Lulf, you can hate a gig as much as you like, it's a free world...what you seem unable to understand is (a) the comment about how Rusty dresses is just inappropriate and (b) that band have never once played like they 'didn't care', if they didn't care they wouldn't have come on a European tour and lost themselves a fortune...they came because they do bloody care! I think you must realise that is why your comments have attracted so many responses, it was not, merely, the fact that you didn't enjoy the gig...that's your opinion and is as valid to you as anyone's.
johnnylovejoy Posted - 25/07/2005 : 04:53:25
I triple dare you
hvy2nz Posted - 25/07/2005 : 01:18:08
or how about I substitute my '04 coach house md recording?

just kidding : )

what the **** arthur, please i said please come back to earth.

can't you feel the love here?

I didnt know this board had a f u c k deleter
johnnylovejoy Posted - 25/07/2005 : 01:03:22
WOW! What a great debate Me thinks me has the trump card.
a twenty four track tape of the show in Germany exists! audio
and video. The venue has offered it to us for a fee (naturally.) If we can make a deal to procure said tape: One can then judge for themselves

ps: I will post my thoughts,on this strange episode as soon as I
recover my bearings, but for now I would like to express my sincere
Lulf Posted - 24/07/2005 : 19:46:33
Originally posted by caryne I have said, your name says it all, but, I am quite happy to accept genuine criticism. it's just comments along the lines of 'Rusty's suit was crap' or 'the played as if they didn't care' are not genuine criticism it is just petty nit picking..there is a 'thorntree' obviously have some kind of a problem with me..just be honest instead of trying to dress it up as something else.

My god, i would never have thought that my short remark on how Rusty dresses would gain so much response. Moreover because i said it didn't matter for the quality of the show. Anyway, what is 'genuine criticism' according to you, and why should we accept your standards? When you are a fan of a band it is clear that you do not like it if anyone says their gig wasn't good. But hey; you weren't there, and you don't know me, so who are you to say that i know nothing about music and that every gig of love is so damn good? I think that with my remarks on the Herzberg gig, i have given a pretty clear view on the matter. They played like they didn't care and i missed Arthur. That's all. A band cannot give non-stop topgigs. The only thing i wanted to point out was, that this particular gig wasn't as smashing as i was used to from previous Love-gigs (wit Arthur).
caryne Posted - 24/07/2005 : 11:47:16
Serioiusly, if I thought the band without Arthur weren't any good I would say, luckily I know they are a great live act and I'm really looking forward to hear some brand new material..and some old songs that havnh't been played for a long time. Kind of sums it up really.
jimmyboy Posted - 24/07/2005 : 09:18:42
I can understand where Mr.Thorn is coming from but I thought The Dead without Jerry were pretty damn good these last 2 tours. It took 3 or for new musicians to do the job, but I was knocked out! The Love Band with John Echols could do the same..Just keep that music playing is what I;m trying to focus on these dreary days....

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