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 Michael Stuart

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GoodHumourMan Posted - 22/04/2005 : 15:52:32
Anybody like to see b]Michael Stuart [/b]again banging the drums in Love.....Michael is alive and well and is receptive to re-joining Arthur and Johnny in Love. How about some comments and support.

Daniel German
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Loov Posted - 07/05/2005 : 20:19:52
As I recall, there wasn't a lot of walking the walk back then. People donned these mantles of groovyness for show, quite a lot, and found little problem with having a schism between image and reality. That was true in lefty politics too. You'd find terrible misogyny among groups who ranted against oppression, for example.
This old interview with Snoopy that Fingaz posted is very telling:
Later on, people started to realize that the personal is political, too.

astrolobe33 Posted - 02/05/2005 : 17:35:39
I'm sure that's true. But I've also heard that one of the members of Big Brother & the Holding Co. was once quoted as saying he thought the band should've called themselves "Hate" instead of "Love", owing to their generally anti-social vibe. But you all have probably heard that a hundred times. I consider the deal about all that to probably be similar to John Lennon's, where he stated that most of his songs, especially the "preachy" ones, were actually written to himself.
Rufus Presley Posted - 01/05/2005 : 18:56:57
I read Michael Stuart's Book & was shocked about what he had to say about KEN FORSSI.I mean was the guy so out-of-it that much.
Even Arthur Lee comes across as a mean-guy.Getting banned from a Supermarket for a punch-up with a guy outside.
I am so pleased that at least Michael states that Ken told him the 'Hold-Up ' of the Grocery Store with a gun was poppy-cock.

Why do bands nowdays need to "beef-up" their image with huge doses of Alice Cooper style "shock-stories".
IF Arthur called the band "LOVE" he did so FOR A REASON.
Why can't the fans dig that????.
GoodHumourMan Posted - 27/04/2005 : 18:09:31
The year Love came out with their debut album and "Little Red Book," the Dodgers had three future Hall of Famers on their pitching staff - Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale and Don Sutton.

Daniel German
Allan Posted - 27/04/2005 : 14:21:17

The Dodgers are leading in their Division with a 13-7 record. Here's a link for you

GoodHumourMan Posted - 27/04/2005 : 10:30:53
Living here in Britain, I'm kind of out of touch with things...How are the Dodgers doing so far?

Daniel German
jazzy mary Posted - 26/04/2005 : 17:35:33

Here's the link, 'cause I couldn't e-mail you. The set up is similiar to here. You can read, but if you want to post--you have to register. That's where "jazzy mary" started!
jazzy mary Posted - 26/04/2005 : 17:05:59
Wow, thanks brg! I guess people really do read what I have to say.

The only thing I can say about "Crescent" to "help" you--is to sit in a quiet place--lights off, if you can, and listen, listen, listen. Play it from start to finish in one sitting, don't alter the sequence of the songs. Coltrane wrote them in this way to hear as a complete piece. After you've experienced it once--you can then play it whenever, however. It's always exciting though. Elvin's playing is so amazing. You won't believe how beautifully this group plays together--they are all so interconnected with one another on the highest musical spiritual plane. I really envy your position as being someone who gets to experience "Crescent" for the first time!!

Do you have Coltrane's "Transitions"? You'd probably like a lot of Pharoah Sanders too. Watch out--or you'll become a complete jazz freak like me and have over 600 jazz cds!!

If you're interested in learning more about jazz, I, and other jazz fans, post on a message board on Jazzcorner. We always are welcoming to newcomers adn you will find people who are very excited to help you and will love sharing your jazz experiences! I can e-mail you the link.
bigrubberglove Posted - 26/04/2005 : 05:50:52
Right on jazzymary! I must say I do feel a weird cosmic connection with you. Truth be told, I could relate to your over the top connection with Arthur. More specifically, I LOVED your comment saying

"At Town Hall he said "Martha Stewart" and got a laugh from the audince. Actually, I thought it was stupid. I don't care for it when Arthur does "goofy" stuff like that or when he "acts" out lyrics. Like at Town Hall, when he held up his hand and sang to it "I see your picture, it's in the same old frame". I'll bet he does that evewry show--yuck. He doesn't need it."

I know what you mean! Arthur is a pure and original FORCE! The words "martha" and "stewart" should not be uttered in the same room as Arthur let alone by him. (Who are we to say that considering that Arthur himself sai it. ;) But I know where you are coming from.

You said: "Truth is truth. But then I'm a woman who thinks that lyrics should and must stand on their own and I think AL's lyrics (and music) are strong enough not to need any little stage business extras. I think it dilutes the power of a song, actually."

I agree with you. I must say I have seen Arthur and Love 4 times and the 12/20/02 show changed my life (as corny as that sounds) but the June 5, 2003 show, which I attended with my wife, was probably the greatest experience I ever had, arriving jet-lagged direct from Rome, with no sleep but an intense and concilable wine buzz. Fantastic!!!!!

Separately, I am slowly becoming more of a jazz head though rock is my bread and butter. I read your comments a long time ago where you raved about Coltrane's "Crescent." I recently got it thanks to YOU but haven't really listened to it. Please add any thoughts about it if you think they would help me gain a fuller appreciate of it.

jazzy mary Posted - 25/04/2005 : 22:13:19
Yeah, that's right. At Town Hall he said "Martha Stewart" and got a laugh from the audince. Actually, I thought it was stupid. I don't care for it when Arthur does "goofy" stuff like that or when he "acts" out lyrics. Like at Town Hall, when he held up his hand and sang to it "I see your picture, it's in the same old frame". I'll bet he does that evewry show--yuck. He doesn't need it. It's GOT to be real from that moment! It's funny 'cause I've only seen him live once and that was it. But I have a loooong history of watching, knowing, being with vocalists (well, one romantically but several on good friends basis) and singing myself (from time to time) so I know when something rings "true". It may be different in a rock context than a jazz context--but somehow I don't think so. Truth is truth. But then I'm a woman who thinks that lyrics should and must stand on their own and I think AL's lyrics (and music) are strong enough not to need any little stage business extras. I think it dilutes the power of a song, actually.
astrolobe33 Posted - 25/04/2005 : 21:02:16
Hmm, I'm wondering though, hasn't M. Jackson possibly stepped BEYOND the sphere wherein "we're all normal"?
LarryNYC Posted - 25/04/2005 : 19:43:20
Yup I think thats far more likely Phil, he's been known to use Martha before along with Michael Jackson. Think Aake must have misheard him.
Phil Hobbs Posted - 25/04/2005 : 19:33:56
Surely that was Martha Stewart, not Michael Stuart? Her name doesn't mean much in the UK but wasn't she jailed (in USA) for something that didn't seem too serious (don't know what)?
Aake Posted - 25/04/2005 : 13:28:40
Don't Michael and Arthur are any god friends these days.
I remember from the Spaceland gig's last August, Arthur singing "I wonder who it will be tomorrow Michael Stuart or me",

bigrubberglove Posted - 25/04/2005 : 03:43:20
Ah, silly me.

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