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LarryNYC Posted - 14/08/2004 : 04:35:36
Be sure to download the clip from Deltipo's post under NME. You are not going to like it one bit, but it poses so many questions.
A one off the the beginning of the end ? Or indeed the end itself ?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LOVESHACK Posted - 02/09/2004 : 02:05:12
Originally posted by bigrubberglove

Count me as an optimist. When I originally saw it I was horrified. I told my wife and explained how letdown the fans were but explained that Arthur was distraught about Rick James' death. My wife said that we should cut him a break saying that it is a very human reaction to be heartbroken and lose control when a friend dies. And I think she is right. Because Arthur in his apparently drugged up state (if it was booze there was more to it than that since he didn't really stumble too much...he was more severely sedated) mentioned Rick James between almost each song and apologized profusely suggesting that he at least was aware that he was falling apart onstage. My prediction is that there is a 80% chance that Arthur will put on blazing shows in the upcoming gigs. I think that word will get back to him in no uncertain terms that the gig was a mess and that the band must prove itself in a big way. Combined with "competition" from the Zombies on the upcoming shows, look for Arthur to exorcise his demons and amaze like never before.

It indeed is unwise to count him out or to ever bet against him. He certainly will disappoint on occassion and can be a maddening person for that reason but he encapsulates so much of the human condition and all that it includes like sky reaching beauty and the depths of demons seemingly having their way. I can only hope with all my heart that Arthur gets his **** together and that the band have the patience and tolerance to keep giving the band a future shot at success.


I'm with you mate.My first observation was that the Spanish audience were more sympathetic than some of the ****ers on here.Secondly that the vocal back up that the rest of the band gave, knowing that Arthur was away with it, for whatever reason,was extremely touching tae me.His buddy snuffed it, he sixty years auld and has had a tour schedule over the last couple o years that would kill a horse. Have a word wi yerselves.

Long Live The King


gordo Posted - 19/08/2004 : 11:04:48
You can tell that Caryne's a school teacher from the way she(unintentionally) speaks to people like they are her pupils.

It's a tendency that's common with a lot of teachers, I find.

Now, she'll probably spot an error in my punctuation or my spelling and give me 4/10 for this post, with 'see me' written in red biro
bigrubberglove Posted - 18/08/2004 : 21:57:13
Okay, the acrimony is getting a bit heated. Let's move on.

"The Love One Another Line" IS great and set a lump in my throat when I heard Arthur utter that at the Town Hall show on June 5, 2003, but as it was reported in the music magazine The Big TakeOver, after that show Arthur was seen in the lobby of Town Hall visibly battering his own merchandise salesman who was selling the orange programs (I bought two). Although Arthur is a hero to many, myself included, just realize that his actions and his noble words aren't always the same. That said, he has the best voice I have ever heard, is one of the best song writers I have ever heard, is a damn godd player of the guitar, harmonica, tambourince and morroccas and Forever Changes is one the five best rock albums ever made. Let's keep it real folks.

Tina Posted - 18/08/2004 : 21:21:36
Well said Torben / admin.

To Andy / rubberglove - I think I can say categorically that everyone from the message board who has met Caryne in person thinks she is a real nice person.

To Caryne - my advice would be don't rise to it!!
admin Posted - 18/08/2004 : 20:39:24
Would like to urge everyone to be kind to each other.

This is a place for discussions concerning Love and I don’t want this forum to be used to any personal vendetta.

If this doesn’t stop immediately I will have to remove messages and ban those who don’t stop.

Please remember Arthur Lee’s words: “Love one another”

caryne Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:28:59
Oh dear....
andyl Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:21:44
People with this disorder tend to believe they are superior to everyone else. When the insanity is triggered, the victim will believe his Intelligence and Wisdom are two points higher and Strength and Dexterity are one point higher. Moreover, the megalomaniac will believe that his or her Comeliness and Charisma are three points higher than what is actually the case. So annoying is the megalomaniac that the perceived Charisma is actually three points less than actual (for each intensity of the insanity.) The trigger for this insanity is any situation in which leadership is required and that the megalomaniac has at least some chance of being qualified to lead.

It should definitely be noted that the victim of megalomania’s self-perceived attribute increases are illusionary. All checks relating to Wisdom, Intelligence, Strength, and Dexterity remain unmodified.

i ve just found this, remind you of anyone ???
andyl Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:20:17
Originally posted by bigrubberglove

Don't take it personally Andy. Caryne purports to be one of Arthur's biggest fans but communicates a subtle hostility and Napolen complex in her writing by always having to one up people and coming across as a know-it-all.

Read what Caryne wrote on 8/14 in the NME thread.

"F*cking hell! Hope some of our worst fears..and I think many here know what I mean...aren't coming true? I must admit I could see this coming..little more to say really."

Now Caryne, great prophet of all, how exactly did YOU "see this coming." Please do share. Your B.S. is plain to see. Sorry to be harsh but your domineering presence is projecting far and wide a most contempible spirit.

andyl Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:13:12
nuff said !!!
caryne Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:10:05
Originally posted by bigrubberglove

Moreover you say that "...never have, purported to be one the biggest fans...far from it...I spend much longer with all sorts of other music.."

Well all I have to say is that you must have time to burn considering that you have made 52 posts on this board in the past 10 days. Presumably then there are other message boards for other bands where you post more actively since you like other bands more. If so, on what boards can we find your comments?

If you do not spend more time on other boards can you explain why King Arthur & Co. receive an outsized amount of your not so precious time?

I will explain, I am a school teacher, at the moment it is the summr holidays so I'm not working. To add to that I am in the process of getting a new kitchen fitted and have to sit here all day because I'm not leaving my house with two strangers in it....all this means, out of sheer boredom I visit websites of the bands I like..this is one of about half a dozen I look at regularly, and there are others I look at occasionally. Hope that explains...though don't really think I should have to.
bigrubberglove Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:07:31
I find you to be most irritating hiding behind your cagey defense. We saw the video. We can handle whatever you claim to have seen. It's also very strange that NO ONE ELSE made rumblings about stuff they saw that was not up to snuff -- except you. Especially strange since you are claiming this in hindsight.

I think you are a fraud and a phony. I dont see why anyone would believe that you are credible.
bigrubberglove Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:04:16
Moreover you say that "...never have, purported to be one the biggest fans...far from it...I spend much longer with all sorts of other music.."

Well all I have to say is that you must have time to burn considering that you have made 52 posts on this board in the past 10 days. Presumably then there are other message boards for other bands where you post more actively since you like other bands more. If so, on what boards can we find your comments?

If you do not spend more time on other boards can you explain why King Arthur & Co. receive an outsized amount of your not so precious time?
caryne Posted - 18/08/2004 : 19:02:45
Sorry, I had no idea you were in the USA but, sorry to say, I really don't want to add anymore. Please some things are best 'not said', sorry, I'm not being awkward or trying to be clever, just tactful.
bigrubberglove Posted - 18/08/2004 : 18:58:12
Caryne, you did not answer my question. Instead you engaged in a sleight of hand maneuver relying on innuendo instead of fact.

You write:

"....but I have to say IF you had been at a some of the recent UK gigs then you would know what I mean..many others do, that's all I want to say really."

No, I was not at any of the UK shows. I am across the Atlantic in the US of A. What exactly are you talking about? We are adults. We can handle it. Whatever it is, it cannot be worse than what we all saw on the Spain performance. Please share.

caryne Posted - 18/08/2004 : 18:51:27
Originally posted by bigrubberglove

Don't take it personally Andy. Caryne purports to be one of Arthur's biggest fans but communicates a subtle hostility and Napolen complex in her writing by always having to one up people and coming across as a know-it-all.

Read what Caryne wrote on 8/14 in the NME thread.

"F*cking hell! Hope some of our worst fears..and I think many here know what I mean...aren't coming true? I must admit I could see this coming..little more to say really."

Now Caryne, great prophet of all, how exactly did YOU "see this coming." Please do share. Your B.S. is plain to see. Sorry to be harsh but your domineering presence is projecting far and wide a most contempible spirit.

bigrubberglove, whoever you are (could be someone's alias for all I know) I don't, and never have, purported to be one the biggest fans...far from it...I spend much longer with all sorts of other music, if you choose to think otherwise so be it...but I have to say IF you had been at a some of the recent UK gigs then you would know what I mean..many others do, that's all I want to say really.

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