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 RE the 33 1/3 book on Loves FChanges

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 11/08/2010 : 01:46:56
Does anyone actually enjoy reading this book? Just terrible
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 01/10/2010 : 02:46:13
footage from Jims HWY film turned up in the recent People are Strange film

its good,just not as good as Pirate Radio though!
TJSAbass Posted - 01/10/2010 : 00:39:05
I liked this book, just because it made me look at FC in a different way. It may be utter claptrap, but it is interesting that someone could pull all this stuff out of FC. I couldn't really picture Arthur sitting around doing all that reading though. But hey, I didn't know him personally. They say Jim Morrison did alot of reading, and some of his writing is pretty sophomoric; especially the middle period. Funny how that works!
John E Posted - 01/10/2010 : 00:12:41
I can't believe that so few people here like this book. It's a while since I read it, but I thought it was excellent. It's the only thing I've read that really attempts to penetrate Arthur's more obscure writing. I thought the part that associates some of Arthur's phrases with gnosticism was particularly insightful. In the light of this, lines like "trapped insight a night, but I'm a day" and "and I'm wrapped in my armour, but my things are material" really come alive. I thought the part on De Sade very interesting too. I'd say that Hulkran's book is a worthy companion to Einarson's because it attempts something quite different.
Joe Morris Posted - 30/09/2010 : 22:18:27
I like how the author of the Byrds one (Notorious Byrd Brothers - probably their best) got to see the band in the studio

can't believe Let It Be isn't out on dvd yet. Most libraries don't even have the video of that film anymore!
LeeRob Posted - 30/09/2010 : 19:53:14
I hate the book, and I've never even read it!

It's all the same day.
rocker Posted - 30/09/2010 : 19:40:41
heh heh if Hultkrans is going to do another book maybe he should check this place out first before he publishes, eh??????......;-).....

On the 33 1/3 books..I've got Whoe Sell Out, Forever Changes, Gilded Palace of Sin (The Burritos!!), Velvet Underground and Nico, Notorious Byrd Bros and Let it Be. As noted, there's some claptrap in them but also some good insights to help you appreciate the stuff
all those musicians took time to make.
Joe Morris Posted - 30/09/2010 : 15:51:22
"Marat de sade" or whatever it was, that the "we're all normal when we want our freedom"

I remember Echols and Arthur went to see it

I remember reading the 33 1/3 book and thinking all the way,
"What the hell is he yammering on about?"

I really should do a video review of the tome on Amazon, just making fun of it and throwing the book around
Joe Morris Posted - 29/09/2010 : 23:20:30
the lyrics on Forever Changes are SO overrated

yeah its pretty bad. Kind of a bore to read, just not very interesting or very well tied together. Believe me, as an English major, you learn to write bits on James Joyces Ulysses and Keats and the Romantics, try to make it SOMEWHAT coherent

There wasn't really very much on the album for a start. Its cool that Arthur saw with Echols that film that had the line "We're all normal when we want our freedom" or whatever it is. I just didn't catch how this book was really related to Love

What would've worked better is a discussion of the album sessions, how the Wrecking Crew started off the album as Love, then the real Love came in, became Love, and promptly self destructed after the "Your mind and we" single. That would have been a lot more interesting to me

Not as bad as the Music From Big Pink published by 33 1/3 ... a novella! (YIKES!!)

but pretty ghastly a read nonetheless. The books on the Kinks (Village Green Preservation Society) and the Pink Floyd (Piper at the gates of dawn) are far superior. I think I even liked the Who one on Sell Out (although the Who themselves didn't actually sell out until the Its Hard tour!)
kdion11 Posted - 29/09/2010 : 20:25:58
Originally posted by rocker

whoa..hearing it certainly is soooo different!...It does sound like some sort of academic paper with self-importance. I can see where you guys didn't like it. Hukltkrans ain't no Hemingway that's for sure...;-)...But I'd like to suggest that what counts is the ideas in the book about the band and Arthur. That I think is more important than the presentation. Some guys just don't know how to present their ideas very well when they write.

KD: Hey Rocker. That seems to be the problem with the book.
There's NOTHING really in it about the band, or Arthur. Just
a lot of high brow references to Gnostic Mysticism and how the author
thinks Arthur must have spent all his spare time sitting around reading that stuff and Classic English Literature.

yea, right.
rocker Posted - 29/09/2010 : 15:26:11
You got me thinking since you sure are very opinionated on the book. Would be nice to get the old boy in here to defend his book!! I'd love to see some debate around here especially from music writers. And believe me Love can sure inspire debate out there.
Joe Morris Posted - 29/09/2010 : 02:11:10
Its rubbish!
rocker Posted - 28/09/2010 : 17:26:48
whoa..hearing it certainly is soooo different!...It does sound like some sort of academic paper with self-importance. I can see where you guys didn't like it. Hukltkrans ain't no Hemingway that's for sure...;-)...But I'd like to suggest that what counts is the ideas in the book about the band and Arthur. That I think is more important than the presentation. Some guys just don't know how to present their ideas very well when they write.
kdion11 Posted - 22/09/2010 : 18:38:36
Originally posted by mikeb

I couldn't finish the book, soon got tired of it.

Reason for bumping the thread is that I didn't realise that it had been made into an audiobook in 2008, there's a 5 minute extract that's just been posted to YouTube if you haven't read it and want to get a flavour of the prose:

The whole audio book is 2 hours 52 minutes!

KD:Hey Mike. You and me both. Very rarely do I abandon a book
in mid read either. What a boring, high brow time waster that was
mikeb Posted - 22/09/2010 : 13:43:13
I couldn't finish the book, soon got tired of it.

Reason for bumping the thread is that I didn't realise that it had been made into an audiobook in 2008, there's a 5 minute extract that's just been posted to YouTube if you haven't read it and want to get a flavour of the prose:

The whole audio book is 2 hours 52 minutes!
rocker Posted - 20/08/2010 : 14:05:49
And so if you have Finny's W on the shelf remove it and add "Lennon Remembers"...heh heh it 's better!!!!!...;-)....for me one of tje greatest "memoirs" ever written......and of course miles ahead of 33/1/3!!!!!!!........

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