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 What Love songs should Baby Lemonade perform?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tina Posted - 16/05/2008 : 22:00:51
The question was meant to be "What Love/Arthur Lee/Bryan McClean/Johnny Echols song would you like to hear on the upcoming UK tour that Love either never performed or that Baby Lemonade never did with Arthur?" but it was too long to fit in the title slot.

For me it would have to be "I'm with you". Beautiful song, brings a tear to my eye whenever I hear it.

Please let us know yours and you never know, the guys might oblige in October - I understand that they're looking to extend their set list and would like to have some input from Love fans. I know they can do a brilliant job on this, they did that Summer 2005 tour with Johnny / without Arthur and their musicianship just shone though.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Irish Barry Posted - 04/06/2008 : 00:53:21
Lizzyb Posted - 03/06/2008 : 21:57:08
If it's about acknowledging Arthur's genius and diversity, I suppose there should be some of the songs that I don't sing to myself repeatedly.

Abalone anyone?

Keep on shining
Tina Posted - 01/06/2008 : 18:54:00
It was a cracker wasn't it Allanagain. I don't think they'll do it without Mr Echols - tour after this one maybe?? We can but hope.
ALLANAGAIN Posted - 24/05/2008 : 20:12:18
Tina...that was a great " Revalations" B.L. did with Johny echols !!
Thanks for igniting that memory.
undergroundbasement Posted - 22/05/2008 : 19:18:20
Midnight Sun
rocker Posted - 22/05/2008 : 14:33:35
hey... far from me that I'd presuppose BL set list!..... but being that the Byrds really influenced the band especially in their first album, I thought maybe if they covered a nice Byrdsy tune..their choice.. would be interesting how BL would do "Tambourine Man" or Turn Turn Turn or "So You Wanna be a Rock'n Roll Star (which kind of echoes that mariachi stuff that ws on FC).."Bells of Rhymney" whatever.....
Lizzyb Posted - 21/05/2008 : 00:40:53
I really like 5 string serenade as a song, tho' I admit:
It isn't a Love song and I think Mazzy Star do the definitive version

so that's out eh?

The castle? why was Arthur so agin it?

Keep on shining
rocker Posted - 19/05/2008 : 14:08:02
oh yes...I'm With You"..let'em play that!....I'd love to hear them do it...
Tina Posted - 18/05/2008 : 21:38:27
John E, that would be great but I guess they'd need a keyboard player for that. They should take on Todd Jaeger who played keyboards with them when they did Sgt Pepper in Milan.

P.S. Are you going to be at the Scala in October??
John E Posted - 18/05/2008 : 21:23:55
The Castle!
mikeb Posted - 18/05/2008 : 12:51:05
Originally posted by otiselevator

"Gather Round". The best song Arthur ever wrote which isn't on

Gather Round would be great, when Love toured the UK for the first time in 1970 it was one of the high points of the set to me and stretched out to 6 or 7 minutes, one I don't think Baby Lemonade ever did with Arthur.
Tina Posted - 18/05/2008 : 00:39:17
I've already seen (and heard) Baby Lemonade do Revelation with Johnny Echols - awesome doesn't even come close! Its Johnny's number, totally. I got the chance to speak to him about it and he said that the album version was a bit of a mish-mash, cobbled together from two separate numbers.

It would be great if the guys got Johnny back on board as well sometime, if he's up for it.
bob f. Posted - 17/05/2008 : 22:50:35
Colored Balls Falling
Mushroom Clouds

...what the world needs now...
otiselevator Posted - 17/05/2008 : 22:00:16
"Gather Round". The best song Arthur ever wrote which isn't on Forever Changes.
"You Want Change For Your Re-Run". You either Love it or hate it but for my money this almost out-Hendrixes the master himself.
"No Matter What You Do". Let's have lots from the great first album complete with 12 string solos and more.
"Revelation". I'm not entirely joking. Cut down to size with the ghost of Tjay Cantrelli, or a suitable substitute, drafted in on sax this could be a show stopper!
steve64 Posted - 17/05/2008 : 16:12:10
Willow Willow

Gather Round

Girl On Fire

Paris Journal at

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