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 Baby Lemonade UK Tour

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
torben Posted - 10/04/2008 : 10:05:48
Baby Lemonade are to tour the UK later this year.
Check the tourlist at:
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
alunmorgan Posted - 01/06/2008 : 17:39:10
Hi Dukie - I might be able to give you a lift. Only room for one in my car. I haven't got any tickets yet for Pontardawe; have you?
Dukie Posted - 30/05/2008 : 22:58:24
Cardiff is still tbc (and I have no idea where The Joint is!).
I would like to be at Pontardawe but will need a lift (any offers?) I am looking forward to the tour and to the release of "Love Story" (Are there any extras? I saw the cinema release).
steve64 Posted - 30/05/2008 : 19:49:12
does anyone know when tickets for Bristol Fleece will be on sale? on the Bristol Ticket Shop Website another band is listed as playing on November 1st!

Paris Journal at
Dukie Posted - 08/05/2008 : 23:22:43
The Cardiff show is still not confirmed, but the local promoter was confident of it going ahead... at a new venue apparently...a date has been mentioned, but we will have to wait for confirmation.
alunmorgan Posted - 08/05/2008 : 00:26:58
Hi Dukie will see you in Swansea and Cardiff. Have got ticketsfor Manc and London, hope to go to York. BL better be good. Will the LOVE Story/Documentary be released by October

boombox Posted - 07/05/2008 : 02:22:01
Originally posted by steve64

I hope to be at Bristol Fleece, this venue was where I saw my favourite gig of LOVE..

Hell, yeah!!!

Will also be at Swansea and if it comes off, Cardiff, hopefully with taping and, if Mike, Rusty and Co are cool with it, videoing gear.

Can't believe I missed this announcement till now - been waiting for this for sooo long. I must check back more often!!
torben Posted - 01/05/2008 : 23:42:38
October 26th at The Musician, Leicester added to the tour.
Kula John Posted - 20/04/2008 : 23:21:26
Hope they manage to fit in another gig in the South West.....I know I'm being greedy but Exeter would be very nice I saw them on the last tour at the Exeter Phoenix and that was a pretty good choice of venue.

This is the time and this is the time and it is time, time, time, time, time, time, time.....
steve64 Posted - 20/04/2008 : 19:58:51
I hope to be at Bristol Fleece, this venue was where I saw my favourite gig of LOVE..

Paris Journal at
Judith Posted - 18/04/2008 : 00:54:45
Hope to be at Swansea and Bristol-what great news!
aldo Posted - 18/04/2008 : 00:03:25
glad to know the guys are playing again definatly check out a show or two,
torben Posted - 17/04/2008 : 23:22:12
2 new dates added to the tour: York & Glasgow.
Old_Man Posted - 17/04/2008 : 22:53:29
I'd love to go to the Fibbers gig in York. Great memories of the last gig there :o)
Old_Man Posted - 15/04/2008 : 21:53:20
At the ABC. See here -
scully Posted - 14/04/2008 : 23:38:24
Glasgow sounds good too -- when/where? It's not on the original list I don't think..


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