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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aake Posted - 10/10/2004 : 10:48:18
Here is A great live one from GB 2004 you OLd Man fans.

Shine on and LOVE one another.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bob f. Posted - 12/10/2004 : 03:14:08
each time i,ve seen OLD MAN live, the chills get me, with a lump in the throat! i think the added effect of the music stand, obviousley a tribute to BRYAN, is , is touching.
LarryNYC Posted - 11/10/2004 : 21:41:33
Watched my FC DVD last night, first time in about 8 months, really in the mood for NYC Town Hall on wednesday now !!
markk Posted - 11/10/2004 : 16:01:50
That was very enjoyable. Seems to be many wonderful things and music going on with Love now. And thanks to all for the very positive vibe this messageboard now expresses.
bigrubberglove Posted - 11/10/2004 : 05:56:13
The January 16, 2004 show at GAMH in San Francisco was particularly amazing, not just for the singing but because Arthur went down into the crowd and sang the song there. It was an amazing moment.
Aake Posted - 10/10/2004 : 23:55:41
Tina,yes I ment the first Nottingham gig,the Bell o yeh will never forget many Love fans at that pub they must still be counting the money from all the beers we had...recording is from Leeds.
Hopefully there is more to come !

Shine on and LOVE one another.
Tina Posted - 10/10/2004 : 23:07:52
Hi Aake, Nottingham was great wasn't it, in fact both Nottingham gigs were great, I guess you mean the first one at Rock City when I met you for the first time in the Bell. Where is the recording of Old Man from??
Aake Posted - 10/10/2004 : 23:05:10
A bit weak at start but second part and the ending is just brilliant and you're right it's so cool when he goes yeh at end.
Believe it or not I have heard him do even better (Nottingham best show I've been at so far)And I'm sure now that Arthur is on you're gonna get some great ones on this tour.

Shine on and LOVE one another.
bigrubberglove Posted - 10/10/2004 : 19:02:03
Thank you Aake!

That was tremendous.

I love how he ends this brilliant song by just offhandedly saying "yeah, that's what i'm talking about" as if it was no big deal to belt that tune out,

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