Last Update: 10. december 2011
Arthur Lee Buy Bryan MacLean albums
This is an atempt to gather as much information as possible about Arthur Lee and the members of Love through the years. I know this is not complete and therefore I would request that anyone with any additional information please send it to me. I'm working on a comprehensive, and complete list of all of Love's tours - past, present and future -- and need a lot of dates, so please take a look and see if you can help me with some. I also need any and all information about setlists if you have any. I have many questions regarding recordings and other things so it would be great if you could contact me if you see any mistakes or have any additions that will make this a better website. These pages couldn't have been made without help from a lot of
Love fans all over the world. Thanks to all of
If you intend to use any of the scans, photos, posters or anything else
from my site, please contact me. NEWS & UPDATES:
Statement From High Moon Records to Press & Fans re Release of Album
"Black Beauty" High Moon Records would like to thank all the journalists and editors
for the great reviews the albums have received thus far, and sincerely
appreciate their patience. We would also like to extend our utmost
gratitude to the estates of Arthur Lee and Gene Clark and all the fans
who have reached out to us (with emails ranging from gratitude and
support to skepticism!), as we've worked to give these timeless albums
by two of the foremost Rock Singer-Songwriters the ultimate releases
they deserve. We assure you, it will be worth the wait.
More scans added: November 8. 2011: Going through my single collection and there was some missing from
the discography, so I added these new scans: Just been to a Record Fair and found this beauty:
Sorry for the lack of updates in
the last 6 – 7 months. March 7. 2011: Birthday of Arthur Lee Take out some time to remember him and do as he said: "Love one another"
Happy birthday Johnny Echols One more gig announced by LOVEREVISITED LOVEREVISITED gig announced January 27. 2011:
The Jay Donnellan Medical Fund January 24. 2011: Happy Birthday Gary Rowles
Rest In Peace Robert Rozelle. January 12. 2011: 2011 is definately off to a good start around here with the upcoming
release of Black Beauty scheduled for release this April. The album will
be on the brand new label "High Moon Records" which is located in New
York. Photos of the founders of the label & additional details are on
the Arthur
Lee Official site News & Press page. Additional details of upcoming events regarding the release & launch
celebration of High Moon will be announced by the label soon. News will
also be posted on Arthur's web site. Check the News & Press page in a
month or so for the updates. Some other good news is this, Shindig Magazine readers poll has selected "Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of Love by John Einarson as the best book of 2010.
Happy New Year to all. You will find last years news in the menu. |
Amazing amount of Love items for sale.
Just Another Day In The Life |
Visitor numer 100.000 on October 29. 2002
150.000 in June 2003
200.000 on April 15. 2004
250.000 on February 22. 2005
300.000 in September 2005
350.000 in March 2006
400.000 on August 8. 2006
500.000 in November 2007
611.000 in December 2009
A word about copyrights on these pages
This entire Web Site is the result of much time and hard work by the author, who
exercises his copyright over the site as a whole.
Obviously, due to the very nature of the site, much of the content is copied
from other sources. Where known, the copyright holder and/or author has been
acknowledged. However, in no instance have I sought
permission for the use of any part of these copyrighted items, and I am
therefore probably in breach of every copyright law under the sun.
I say this in my defence: that (A) as a lay-person, I wouldn’t have the faintest
idea of how or from where to obtain permission, (B) that this site is provided
as a well-meant tribute to a musical and lyrical geniuses, and (C) if the
copyright holders don’t want their stuff copied and published on the web by me,
then they should start their own Arthur Lee and Love
web pages, and save me the time and trouble! If this all gets too heavy, I can
see me packing it in and not bothering.
All photos are the copyright of the photographer.
If anyone seriously has a problem with an aspect of copyright law or artists’
rights relating to my work, I would appreciate being contacted personally in the
first instance.