Last Update: 21. december 2010








Arthur Lee Official Site

Johnny Echols Official Myspace Page

Arthur Lee
March 7, 1945 - August 3, 2006
Link to Memorial page

Buy Bryan MacLean albums

click on picture


This is an atempt to gather as much information as possible about Arthur Lee and the members of Love through the years.

I know this is not complete and therefore I would request that anyone with any additional information please send it to me.

I'm working on a comprehensive, and complete list of all of Love's tours - past, present and future -- and need a lot of dates, so please take a look and see if you can help me with some. I also need any and all information about setlists if you have any. I have many questions regarding recordings and other things so it would be great if you could contact me if you see any mistakes or have any additions that will make this a better website.

These pages couldn't have been made without help from a lot of Love fans all over the world. Thanks to all of you.
See copyrights.

Keep on shining.
Torben Skott

Questions, Comments, Additions or errors please

If you intend to use any of the scans, photos, posters or anything else from my site, please contact me.
Keeping the music of Love alive by making new sites is very welcome, but the least you can do if you "borrow" something from my site is to contact me. Something here might even be copyrighted.


August 22. 2010:

If you were not one of people who were able to attend the book promo event at Book Soup July 10 or if you were there & didn't get to see it all check out this new page on the site "Special Interest"
You will enjoy seeing the guest speakers & watch the guys from Baby Lemonade / Love Revisited / Love Band perform two songs.

Johnny Echols has a new Myspace page

Added more photos to the Forever Changes book page

Rob Davis, Love/Arthur fan who began creating a fictional comic book about the misadventures of love and the "LA donut bandits", is beginning to plan print runs for a few of his works, and if there's interest, he'll run off prints of the Love comic cover pictured in this blog post... i think it's brilliant and i'd certainly love to have one, and maybe folks who visit your excellent site would feel the same.
The Love/Arthur post with the comic cover artwork:
The post regarding sales/print runs:

July 26. 2010:

Interview with Mike Randle from

July 22. 2010:

Added photos from Book Soup to the Forever Changes book page

Updatd the LOVE Revisited tour list with these new dates:
AUG. 8 (Sunday) at the Bootleg Theatre in Echo Park, CA.
2220 Beverly Blvd.
LA, CA 90189
$10 (doors at 7:30pm)
8pm Susan James
9pm The Quarter After
10pm Love Revisited
The venue is located 2 blocks WEST of Alvarado Street.
Free Parking behind Praise Christian Church
AUG 12 (Thursday) at Alex's Bar in Long Beach, CA.
2913 East Anaheim St.
Long Beach, CA 90804
$10 Advance ($12 Door)
9pm TBA
10pm The Black Apples
11pm Love Revisited
The Venue is located just North of N. Orizaba Ave.

New T-Shirts & the Forever Changes book are forsale on the Tinman website.
LIMITED SPECIAL: (Per Diane) Combo of the Book with any T-Shirt of your choice $35. Combo of the Book, T-Shirt & Scarf $45.
OR...All sold separately, book alone $15.00. One of the new design T-shirts has Arthur's handwitten partial lyrics of a song he was working on The acutal T-shirt will come with a photo copied sheet of ...paper with more lyrics from the same song as Arthur wrote. The words ending with..... Dancing on......
These T's are from American Apparel and thicker & snugger than the previous organic T's. If you prefer the orgnic there still a few left.

June 1. 2010:

LOVE Revisited - Johnny Echols' Turn - will be Headlining Saturday, July 3 at Spaceland in Silver Lake, California with support from L.A.'s own QUINCY BLACK TRIO (feat. Arthur Lee's recording engineer 2002-2005, John Wood), as well as the Bay Area's HOT AS BALLS, who will also be celebrating the release of their new record so this is an event NOT to be missed!
Quincy Black Trio - 9PM
Hot As Balls - 10PM
Love Revisited - Johnny Echols' Turn - 11PM

May 24. 2010:

Forever Changes Arthur Lee and the book of Love is now on sale in Europe.
Look like in some places it's not available before end of May.
Amazon UK
Pre-order US Amazon

John Einarson has provided some answers to questions put together by the publisher and John 

The UK book promotions was cancelled due to volcanic ash, but John Einarson will be in LA celebrating the release of the bio.  Jawbone is sponsoring it scheduled for Saturday July 10 @ 5pm at Book Soup 8818 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90069-2125 (310) 659-3110
Join Arthur’s fellow musicians & friends who will be there to celebrate the publication of the book: Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of LOVE. For some of you this will be one more opportunity to see friends & familiar faces gathered together in one place. For some of you it is one more opportunity to meet people who you only saw on stage before. Come meet the people who were there when the music happened and who were a part of the happening. Come & collect autographs in your book..
Also, Chapple, Daddyo and Mike Randle will be performing two brief acoustic sets of Arthur Lee solo material, A couple of Love gems, a couple of Baby Lemonade tunes, as well as a couple of unreleased Lovewith Arthur Lee songs.
The event will be hosted by Dominic Priore, responsible for such awesome books like Riot On The Sunset Strip, as
well as Look, Listen, Vibrate, Smile! (a MUST for any true Brian Wilson fan.)

Love Revisited, The band, which may be coming to a town near you this Summer, consists of original Love guitarist Johnny Echols plus Baby Lemonade members Mike Randle, Dave Chapple and David Green, with occasional special guest (Forever Changes/ Da Capo era drummer), Michael Stuart.
First scheduled concert will be JULY 21 at THE DAKOTA LOUNGE in Santa Monica.
9pm TBD
10pm The Quarter After
11pm Love Revisited

April 30. 2010:

Added another promotion event to the Forever Changes book page

April 28. 2010:

Jawbone Press is lining up a number of events in May to promote John Einarson's book including screenings of the Love Story documentary followed by question and answer sessions with John, first one is on May 21 at Hornsey Library, Haringey Park, Crouch End, London.
More about the book here

March 26. 2010:

Jay Donnelan very sick. Please help if you can.

Just got this in an e-mail:

Dear Friends,

I am writing this letter on behalf of our dear friend Jay Donnellan. His condition is grave and he could use our help as soon as possible.

As some of you might know Jay has been suffering for many years. He has intense seizures daily, gaining in intensity when he goes to bed. Over the years he has seen numerous doctors and specialists trying to solve the mystery. At times the symptoms have quieted depending on the treatment, but the exact cause has never been correctly pinpointed. Until now.

Again, some of you may or may not know that Jay's previous wife, Annie Waterhouse, has just suddenly and tragically passed away. The autopsy revealed the cause to be Cerebral Vasculitis. It is a very rare condition with a wide range of symptoms that mimic several other diseases (MS, Lupus etc). The stunner is that, as it turns out, Jay and Annie were both suffering in almost identical ways. Sadly Annie's body couldn't handle it, but Jay is still holding on. He is rapidly going downhill however.

To complicate matters in a most horrible way, one year ago Jay had a seizure that resulted in a badly broken neck. He had a first surgery to repair and plate the fractures. He now needs the second and urgent finishing surgery to smooth the vertebrae and do the final positioning that will take the stress off his spinal cord. This is a parallel problem that severely complicates him getting treatment for the Cerebral Vasculitis. He's bed ridden and is on morphine for the extreme pain.

His living and insurance situation is this. He lives in Costa Rica with a new wife Maria Elena and her two girls. He is in the national health care system, BUT because of the current financial woes in every corner of the globe, and because he is not a national and newly in the system, he has been put at the bottom of the waiting list. Possibly a year away! He won't survive that kind of wait.

The good news is that he can expedite a surgery at a private clinic with the same world class neurosurgeon that started his surgeries in quick order. But, it will cost him cash which he don't quite have enough of. $3000 is what was needed. Jay just informed me that two dear friends in Mexico, Oscar and Deana have donated half of that, so all he needs now is $1,500.

So, I'm putting out the S.O.S. for a little bit of help from anyone who can afford to. Believe me Jay is well aware of the downturn here in the States and is embarrassed by this whole situation, and at a time like this. I believe that if everyone can chip in a little, $1,500 won't be hard to raise. But he needs it in the next day or two!

Jay asked that you can set your own terms and that the help can be a gift, a loan, or any other plan you want. But he needs this now, and it's the only way we can think of to get him the surgery he needs to continue his fight.

The easiest way to make a donation is a deposit through PayPal. Jay's PayPal account is the same as his email

If you have questions and/or want more details, please feel free to call me and I will fill in to the best of my ability.

Thank You,
Tony Humecke

March 7. 2010:

Birthday of Arthur Lee

Here's a little video in memory of Arthurs 65th birthday
Together with Gary Rowles, Frank Fayad & George Suranovich in Copenhagen March 1970.

YouTube link

February 28. 2010:

Added a new page with preface and the full cover of the forthcoming book Forever Changes

February 21. 2010:

Happy birthday Johnny Echols

January 20. 2010:

New book Forever Changes (Jawbone Press) by John Einarson will be available June 2010.
Here's a preview of the beautiful front photo from Copenhagen 1970 by  Jan Persson


January 1. 2010:

Happy New Year to all.

You will find last years news in the menu.

Added a new photo to the fan page:
Kevin & Mark Koenigsberg in memory of Kevin who recently passed away

Four Baby Lemonade albums are now available as iTunes Downloads, each release with 2 Bonus tracks, courtesy of Varese Sarabande Records, who also have the albums WITH BONUS TRACKS available as real, hard copy CDs.

Click the link! (note: this is US iTunes. UK iTunes may NOT be set up as of yet)

The Four albums available are:
1996's 68% PURE IMAGINATION (bonus tracks: PLEASE CONSIDER US from the 1997 Popcycle Records compilation, CLOSET POP FOLK and the previously unreleased SHE COMES IN COLORS from the 2005 Berg Festival in Germany with Baby Lemonade and Johnny Echols and mixed by Dave Chapple)

1998's EXPLORING MUSIC (two previously un-released bonus tracks: DROWN [Mercury Records demo] and UNDERGROUND DJ (Darian Sahanaja Radio Edit )

2001's HIGH LIFE SUITE (bonus tracks: SHAKE THE SHELTER [featuring John Would on Lap Steel] from the Popcycle Records compilation, CLOSET POP FOLK and the previously un-released OVER MY HEAD [Mercury Records demo]

2008's BEST OF (bonus tracks: ALL IN THE RUN OF A DAY from the 1998 Del-Fi Records compilation DELPHONIC SOUNDS TODAY and BIG YELLOW WARM FUZZY from the 1995 Spain-Only release of 68% 1/2 PURE IMAGINATION, a song that was #16 on Spain's Pop Charts and featured Drummer, David "Daddyo" Green on lead vocals [on a song he wrote], as well as Rusty Squeezebox joining him on drums. Listen Carefully and you can hear Bassist David Chapple ordering Mexican Food for the session.

December 28. 2009:

The official Arthur Lee website has bee updated and reworked.
There you'll find news about the release of the Black Beauty album and the new biography.

Amazing amount of Love items for sale.

Love collectables:

Love Rock posters, concert tickets & memoribilia

Mike Randle's Diaries

Just Another Day In The Life
By Johnny Echols

Arthur Lee - Love Merchandise




Visitor numer 100.000 on October 29. 2002
150.000 in June 2003
200.000 on April 15. 2004
250.000 on February 22. 2005
300.000 in September 2005
350.000 in March 2006
400.000 on August 8. 2006
500.000 in November 2007
611.000 in December 2009







A word about copyrights on these pages

This entire Web Site is the result of much time and hard work by the author, who exercises his copyright over the site as a whole.

Obviously, due to the very nature of the site, much of the content is copied from other sources. Where known, the copyright holder and/or author has been acknowledged. However, in no instance have I sought
permission for the use of any part of these copyrighted items, and I am therefore probably in breach of every copyright law under the sun.

I say this in my defence: that (A) as a lay-person, I wouldn’t have the faintest idea of how or from where to obtain permission, (B) that this site is provided as a well-meant tribute to a musical and lyrical geniuses, and (C) if the copyright holders don’t want their stuff copied and published on the web by me, then they should start their own Arthur Lee and Love
web pages, and save me the time and trouble! If this all gets too heavy, I can see me packing it in and not bothering.

All photos are the copyright of the photographer.

If anyone seriously has a problem with an aspect of copyright law or artists’ rights relating to my work, I would appreciate being contacted personally in the first instance.