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 MOLLY GENE-One Whoaman Band Blooze
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lemonade kid
Old Love

9880 Posts

Posted - 23/07/2013 :  16:54:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Molly Gene One Whoaman Band -

Stickshift - courthouse recording session for the upcoming album Folk Blues and Booze

Review: "Folk Blues and Booze" by Molly Gene One Whoaman Band


If you have never heard of her, Molly Dyer, otherwise known as Molly Gene One Whoaman Band, is a highly talented and unique songstress well worth checking out. She hails from Warrensburg, Missouri, where she grew up on a farm, and it definitely comes through in her know, that whole rural, down-home quality that simply cannot be faked. What's more, she plays her blues and country all by her lonesome, strumming and pickin' the strings of her guitar, stomping and kicking the various pedals on her Farmer foot drums, blowing her harp, and releasing line after line of slightly gravelly and expressive vocals that can shift from low gear intensity to high gear energy in an instant...oh, and with a bit of crooning here and there as well. And she does it all at the same time.

That's right, Molly is the real deal.

Even further solidifying Molly Gene's place among the present roots music greats is her latest release, Folk Blues and Booze. Consisting of twelve originals and two cover tracks, Folk Blues and Booze doesn't just tread the same ground upon which her last album was laid, but instead goes well beyond that to occupy some new and even more impressive musical territory, with some resonator guitar in addition to her usual electric, and some improved bottleneck slide. This album is decidedly purer in the folk, blues and country department, whereas Hillbilly Love's rootsy foundation was topped by levels of rock'n'roll. I am probably not alone in the opinion that it suits her just as well, if not better. And of course there is still some rock'n'roll in her sound, as are the same raw and dirty qualities that made her earlier material so damn good.

It was about two years ago that I first happened upon Molly and her music. She had only just released her Hillbilly Love album on the Solid Audio Productions label, and it proved a hell of a collection of songs, to say the least. That was around the time I interviewed her for my One-Man Band Series. In fact, she was the first one-woman band I worked with for that particular project. I also learned at that time what a cool person she actually is. Soon after, I found myself listening to her album quite a good deal, even after the piece was published.

She was also touring with the incredible Bob Log III around that time, and I was fortunate enough to catch one of their shows in Brooklyn, New York, at the Knitting Factory. Both artists put on brilliant performances. Molly was on fire. Bob Log was amazing, as usual. Definitely an experience that has stayed with me.

It wasn't until recently that I heard from Molly again. She asked if I had had a chance to listen to her new album yet, to which I replied that I hadn't. So she sent me a copy, and I was struck by how much she had evolved as a artist in such a short time. Folk Blues and Booze opens with a cool percussion and vocal version of Mississippi Fred McDowell's "When the Train Comes Along" (anyone who covers Fred McDowell is ok in my book). As far as the originals, "Smells Like Low Tide," "Stick Shift," the folky "Kings and Queens," "White Girl from Missouri," the bluesy acoustic "Reformation," and "Uncle Sam Ain't No Lady, But He Sure Can Take Your Man" are some of the standouts. Another cover, and one she does frequently at shows, is her own take on The Coasters' "Down in Mexico."

Folk Blues and Booze is available from Molly's website or at her shows. And you have your choice of CD or LP format.

Overall, Folk Blues and Booze is an exceptional album by a rising artist. Highly recommended.

Do I Move You

Bumble Bee

Country Lover...molly shreds her bottle neck...her voice...


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

Edited by - lemonade kid on 23/07/2013 17:02:38

lemonade kid
Old Love

9880 Posts

Posted - 23/07/2013 :  17:29:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Waitin' official video


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
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