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lemonade kid
Old Love

9880 Posts

Posted - 24/05/2009 :  07:13:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I won't be exclusive here , but well, the 60's define mine AND our musical tastes in many at our LoVE board, so I'm going to start with a band that was a defining musical presence for me in the 60's psychedelic scene.......pure fuzz with love, peace, and flower power!!

Fever Tree Return Of The Native (San Francisco Girls)

What are some of your defining bands & music of the soundtrack of your life?!

A great video too, with art and pics of a golden age.... Peace and Love.

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.

Edited by - lemonade kid on 24/05/2009 07:15:44

bob f.
Old Love

1308 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2009 :  01:16:36  Show Profile  Visit bob f.'s Homepage  Reply with Quote
yeah, fever tree, ' got the double album CD!
....WELL, also, (amongst the already praised Byrds, Buffalos,..),
when The Doors', "Break On Through....", first played on my little radio , it furthur pushed me through the other side! by the time "Strange Days" was out, me and my buddies were smokin' pot in my Mom's garage and trippin' on that LP on a little record player.
Soon, Hendrix's " Bold As Love" had me playing it on an old Grundig
console while still growing up at home with my family. I was, in 1968, 17, by then, and already "experienced". soundtracks of my life. i think our lives had as much impact on the music, as the music had on us! we were all on a journey!

...what the world needs now...
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bob f.
Old Love

1308 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2009 :  01:28:39  Show Profile  Visit bob f.'s Homepage  Reply with Quote
but most of all....I will never forget, in 1967, me and my friends staying up all night in a hotel room listening to "Forever Changes", over and over, and talking about the lyrics! it was a big deal then, and, I guess 'cause this was Los Angeles, and we were all outcasts and searchers and non-conformists! seems natural to me still!

...what the world needs now...
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Old Love

3606 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2009 :  21:12:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Interesting you guys picked up the American bands since I recall I was stunned when I heard all that "Brit invasion" stuff. As we know, there was all that cross-pollination of music going on then between the two countries. All that music hall and skiffle music sure had an effect when they put their bands together. Some of the sounds were just so creative and sounded so new and fresh...Joe Meek and his "sound" was so distinctive...the Kinks..the Stones...the name a few. The musical energy produced by all the bands and groups here was truly startling. It was a golden era for music. Money was practically no object in getting out an album for groups called like "The Peanut Butter Conspiracy". You have few guitars and drums. Yes. Songs? Yes. Ok, here's a coupla bucks go record and come back with a few for a single! Later we'll talk "album". Those "soundtracks" were awesome and still are to this day. They ain't classics for nothing! And tell me where the heck did they get the name "Fever Tree" from?? Probably on a "trip", eh?
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lemonade kid
Old Love

9880 Posts

Posted - 27/05/2009 :  02:24:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by rocker
And tell me where the heck did they get the name "Fever Tree" from?? Probably on a "trip", eh?

Good question, rocker. I always guessed the band was named after the African fever tree.......on a Healing trip!

Here is a great interview with former guitarist extraordinaire, Michael Knust. Love that fuzz Fender. Gives the whole background about how he formed the band in Texas and found his Lead singer!! Cool, long and informative interview..........includes where they got the name. Fever Tree rocks.

http://www.thepsychedelicguitar/knust.htm....OUCH...this address won't connect...but if you google Former Fever Tree Guitarist Michael Knust and click on it will get right to it!!!

Cheers and enjoy!

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.

Edited by - lemonade kid on 27/05/2009 02:41:05
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Old Love

560 Posts

Posted - 31/05/2009 :  18:38:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I agree with you 99%. I used to listen Fever Tree SO MUCH back in the day, it was just about my defining moment in psychedelia. David Angel is credited with horns and strings on some cuts of this LP.

But the one that did it for me was 'Section 43', Country Joe and the Fish-Electric Music for the Mind and Body. That song did and still does trip me out.


Edited by - Allan on 31/05/2009 18:40:50
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lemonade kid
Old Love

9880 Posts

Posted - 31/05/2009 :  19:36:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Allan


I agree with you 99%. I used to listen Fever Tree SO MUCH back in the day, it was just about my defining moment in psychedelia. David Angel is credited with horns and strings on some cuts of this LP.

But the one that did it for me was 'Section 43', Country Joe and the Fish-Electric Music for the Mind and Body. That song did and still does trip me out.


Great pick, Alan! The Fish's first two are defining for me too...."Fixin' To Die" LP was just eye opening for me...."Janis" is so good and the instrumental tracks just tripped for me!! "......into my life on waves of electrical sounds, and flashing lights, she came...."
Both LPs were a trip unto themselves!! I cut up the fish game back then and we tripped to the music and the Fish Game!!""

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.
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lemonade kid
Old Love

9880 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2009 :  16:44:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i would have to say that Buffalo Springfield were one of the strongest voices in my life's soundtrack. From "For What It's Worth" through "Last Time Around", Neil & Steve's first solos, Poco, CSN (&Y), Manassas......leading to Burritos (seeing Chris with Steve got me interested) many.

I would say Buff, Byrds and Beatles (HAH, the three B's) were my core soundtrack of the 60's, with so many others surounding....Spirit, Stones, Yardbirds.....

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.

Edited by - lemonade kid on 02/06/2009 17:14:43
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