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 SPIRIT-California /Cass '78 Rockpalast Jam

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 06/01/2014 : 17:34:51

Watch Ed "Mr Skin" Cassidy on one of the biggest drum kits you'll ever see!

A wonderful full concert video of Spirit--the best quality you'll ever see! The late greats, Randy & Cass...long may you live for us all on our turntables and LCDs!


March 4th and 5th 1978
Randy California - g/voc/Moog Taurus
Ed Cassidy - drums
Larry "Fuzzy" Knight - bass
01 Rockpalast Jam--wonderful jam that echos great Spirit classics
02 Mr. Skin
03 Nature's Way
04 Like A Rolling Stone
05 Hollywood Dream
06 1984
07 Looking Down From A Mountain
08 Hey Joe
09 Animal Zoo
10 Love Charged
11 It's All The Same (incl. Drum Solo)
12 I Got A Line On You
13 All Along The Watchtower
14 Wild Thing
15 Downer
16 If I Miss This Train/Rockpalast Jam (*)
(* Jam Session with Dickey Betts)


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stewart Posted - 07/01/2014 : 14:30:19
remember watching this on uk tv. had the good fortune to see them at Manchester Polytechnic in the 70s ( and on a different night the rest of Spirit in Jo Jo Gunne too). A great 2 hour high octane set with Randy dragging the audience on stage. Those were the days

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