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 Ed Kuepper

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stewart Posted - 22/07/2013 : 21:28:26
ex Saints, ex Laughing Clowns, ex Aints but mainly solo, are there no other Ed fans here? I've always thought of him as Australia's Neil Young and still going after 40 years tho it's a bit sad seeing him now only being the (excellent)guitarist in someone else's band - Nick Cave's Bad Seeds tho I think that was a one-off

The Saints
The Laughing Clowns
The Aints
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 24/07/2013 : 20:32:04
Thanks, Stew. Always a pleasure. And the links work! Hard to find ones that do with all the regulatory interference nowadays...


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
stewart Posted - 24/07/2013 : 17:40:35

[/quote]Are any of those unaccompanied...more acoustic? Not so electric punk?

Today Wonder is pretty stripped down - just Ed on guitar and a drummer(Mark Dawson) on drums and cardboard box

All compositions by Ed Kuepper except as indicated
1."Horse Under Water" - 6:04
2."Always the Woman Pays" - 3:13
3."Everything I've Got Belongs to You" - 4:33
4."What You Don't Know" - 4:01
5."I'd Rather Be the Devil" (Skip James) - 4:24
6."There's Nothing Natural" - 3:45
7."Today Wonder Medley: Today Wonder/Hey Gyp/White Houses" (Kuepper, Donovan Leitch, Eric Burdon) - 4:32
8."Pretty Mary" - 3:41
9."Eternally Yours" - 5:33
10."If I Were a Carpenter" (Tim Hardin) - 3:57

Character Assassination is more acoustic and also orchestrated

All compositions by Ed Kuepper except as indicated
1."By the Way" - 4:03
2."Little Fiddle (and the Ghost of Xmas Past)" - 4:23
3."Cockfighter" - 3:43
4."My Best Interests at Heart" - 4:27
5."Take It by the Hand" - 3:46
6."La Di Doh" - 5:07
7."I'm with You" - 3:07
8."Ill Wind" - 6:37
9."So Close to Certainty" - 4:44
10."A Good Soundtrack (Pushin' Fear)" - 3:36
11."Ring of Fire" (June Carter Cash, Merle Kilgore) - 4:04
12."If I Had a Ticket" - 2:40

lemonade kid Posted - 23/07/2013 : 15:43:43
Originally posted by stewart

There's a live album you can stream here
tho I prefer him unaccompanied

My favourite albums are

Character Assassination
Honey Steel's Gold
Today Wonder
Serene Machine
A King in the Kindness Room

Are any of those unaccompanied...more acoustic? Not so electric punk?
I've sampled Honey Steel's Gold--it sounds great.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
stewart Posted - 23/07/2013 : 01:00:43
There's a live album you can stream here
tho I prefer him unaccompanied

My favourite albums are

Character Assassination
Honey Steel's Gold
Today Wonder
Serene Machine
A King in the Kindness Room
lemonade kid Posted - 22/07/2013 : 21:37:08
"No other ED fans here"...there is now...Unaware of this great artist, THANKS, Stew!!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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