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 Byrds/Springfield family tree most impress

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 18/07/2013 : 14:36:02
Is the Byrds/Buffalo Springfield family tree the most impressive in rock history?

(...from Steve Hofman Music Forum)

The list is missing POCO, The Eagles, Loggins & Messina....cut off I guess


The John Mayall family tree is pretty impressive too.....Yardbirds.John Mayall, Cream Jeff Beck Clapton Led Zep FleetwoodMac etc though not as extensive

what else? Frank Zappa....oh yeah...also has connections to Buffalo Springfield ...Zappa's drummer, bassists all a part of Springfield at one time, Turtles, Little Feat, Rhinoceros...


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rocker Posted - 22/07/2013 : 17:31:33
Is the Byrds/Buffalo Springfield family tree the most impressive in rock history?

What a lineup, eh? Maybe Gram's Intl Sub Band should get a mention too??
John9 Posted - 21/07/2013 : 18:51:45
I am certain that either Zig Zag or Dark Star once featured a Love/Mothers of Invention family tree that Pete Frame had designed.
John9 Posted - 19/07/2013 : 17:34:28
One omission from the Byrds tree is the short-lived McGuinn/Hillman/White/(Gene)Parsons line-up from September 1968. They played at least one gig together and there have been several pictures - including the quite famous motor-bike shot. Additionally, it was this particular combo that was interviewed by Judy Sims for the UK's Disc magazine - although by the time it hit the streets on 5 October, Hillman had gone and John York had taken his place.
John9 Posted - 19/07/2013 : 15:54:52
A great topic, LK - I've actually got Pete Frame's book entitled The Complete Rock Family Trees in which there are additional trees for CSNY and Poco/The Eagles. The Byrds tree by then had become a vastly expanded standalone with the amended title Byrds of a Feather:

Back in 1973, CBS released in the UK a double LP entitled The History of The Byrds. It was a gatefold and the whole of the inner part of it was taken up with Pete's very first version of a family tree:
Dukie Posted - 19/07/2013 : 01:16:59
Looks like the work of Pete Frame(Zigzag magazine) to me.
SignedRW Posted - 18/07/2013 : 23:11:02
Credit where due; absolutely Pete Frame, all the way. A gentleman to whom I'll always lift a glass; between Pete, John Tobler, and Andy Childs, a contemporary music journalism standard set at Zig
Zag that makes it possible for Mojo, Uncut, and Shindig to exist and thrive today. Hats off to Pete
and company...
Dukie Posted - 18/07/2013 : 18:15:10
Looks like the work of Pete Frame(Zigzag magazine) to me.

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