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 late great JOHN STEWART-Bullets In The Hourglass

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 21/06/2013 : 17:19:16
JOHN STEWART-Bullets In The Hourglass lp 1992

The late great john Stewart made great music from this early days in the Kingston Trio to his full and long solo career...

His later works were no less sublime, brilliant or masterful--this great LP is no exception.

Bullets In The Hourglass 1992

The Wheel Within The Clay

John Stewart's exquisite songs are powerful even in a mostly acoustic format, but a full electric band reinforces their elegance. Such is the case with 1992's Bullets in the Hour Glass. The former Kingston Trio member composed yet another consistent set of songs brought to life by his resonant vocals, insightful lyrics and fine backing musicians, particularly bass guitarist Dave Batti, saxophonist Chris Mostert, and Stewart's wife, vocalist Buffy Ford Stewart. "Irresistible Targets" is smooth and melodic, and "American Nights" is a subtle synthesis of pop, folk, and rock. Lyrically, both songs shine a light on America's crumbling society from the 1960s onward. Guest vocalist Roseanne Cash joins Stewart on "Women." The gentle country-pop of "The River" is boosted by Mostert's saxophone accents. "Dealing With the Night" has clever lyrics which generate vivid mental pictures; watery guitar lines and Mostert's sax fills punctuate the song. Despite the serious nature of much of Stewart's work, he has a sly, dry sense of humor too, which he readily displays on stage; "Bad Rats" is the best Stewart song capturing these traits. Stewart's folk edge is most evident on "The Man Who Would Be King," which features vocals by Peter, Paul & Mary's Noel Paul Stookey.

Dealing With The Night

Bad Rats

Irresistible Targets

The Man Who Would Be King..with Peter Paul & Mary's Noel Paul Stookey


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 21/06/2013 : 20:10:53
Originally posted by stewart

thanks, with the exception of Bombs away dream babies i'd overlooked most of his work after the awesome California Bloodlines which was my introduction to him by Zig Zag magazine in the UK, which also tuned me onto Michael Nesmith

Omaha Rainbow from California Bloodlines gave its name to a UK John Stewart-obsessed magazine

Very good, Stew...hadn't seen this fine site with tons of articles on John Stewart.

My introduction beyond the Kingston Trio was his Phoenix Concerts double of the best live albums ever to hit vinyl. Phoenix (Arizona) adopted John Stewart as their own in the early 70's and those Phoenix Concerts tracks were played on underground radio constantly...we loved it back in the day! Still have my vinyl...

July You're A Woman...from California Bloodlines


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
stewart Posted - 21/06/2013 : 19:55:25
thanks, with the exception of Bombs away dream babies i'd overlooked most of his work after the awesome California Bloodlines which was my introduction to him by Zig Zag magazine in the UK, which also tuned me onto Michael Nesmith

Omaha Rainbow from California Bloodlines gave its name to a UK John Stewart-obsessed magazine

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