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 Best Covers of HEY JOE! Love, Hendrix, Tim Rose...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 19/06/2013 : 17:01:10
We all Love Love's cover, but there are SO MANY!

This is one of the best--Cryan' Shames

And Tim Rose's HEY JOE...the slow version that Hendrix lifted
Here is a brilliant live rare video - Tim was the best.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 24/06/2013 : 14:42:50
Originally posted by John9

And of course, somewhat less reverently, the Mothers of Invention:

That cover made my brother and me laugh to tears back when he gave me that Mothers album for CHristmas-1968. Good one, J9.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
John9 Posted - 24/06/2013 : 09:25:42

And of course, somewhat less reverently, the Mothers of Invention:
markk Posted - 23/06/2013 : 21:33:37
Over 1700 Covers, even Cher.
stewart Posted - 21/06/2013 : 20:09:44
story of the song and performance by Tim Rose in his last years
rocker Posted - 19/06/2013 : 17:26:38
Right on the covers. I heard Rose's version after everybody did theirs. The very first one I heard was from these guys...LA group right?

man, that tempo got me. So when I heard Rose's cover it was so s......l.......o.....w....e...d... down for me! But for the 'blooz' and that song that might have been the best way to go in the treatment.

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