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 PLAINSONG-Lost music found! & released! 2nd LP

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 12/06/2013 : 20:23:11
PLAINSONG-lost music found! & released!

I missed this!!

The original line-up of Plainsong featuring former Fairport Convention lead singer Iain Matthews and guitarist Andy Roberts was only together for about 18 months in the early 1970's - but in that brief period - they recorded the classic album In Search of Amelia Earhart and a second previously unreleased album now seeing the light of the day for the first time. This set collects both of their studio albums as well as various rare live recordings - nearly 40 songs in total. British folk rock at its best, along with their versions of songs by Gene Clark, Chris Hillman, Hank Williams, Merle Haggard, and other greats. Many rare photos and detailed liner notes. --amazon

“ Water has rewarded the faithfull with restored covers, informative liner notes, and a whole extra disc of the unreleased 2nd album, demos and live material. ”
M. Gaines

“ Thankyou to Water for giving us such a high quality release.. ”

“ These recordings are so well done, great choice of originals and cover tunes done in tasteful folk-rock arrangements. ”
Terry D. Schmidt


All Around My Grandmother's Floor--1973 unreleased demo


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 12/06/2013 : 20:38:19
Title: Plainsong
Label: WATER
Format: 2CD
Price: $18.00
Catalog #: WATER 149CD

"Adored by the New-Folk elite, this short lived, but extremely influential folk-rock outfit only last about a year and a half, but the music has stood the test of time. Fronted by former Fairport Convention singer Iain Matthews, Plainsong found him and his muse continuing to explore the British strain of folk rock pioneered by his former band while looking toward the West Coast country-rock of Gene Clark and Gram Parsons, a path he would follow more during his solo career. A huge influence on everyone from Devendra Banhart and Vetiver to Appendix Out and Four Tet. This 40 track 2CD set includes the only official album, In Search of Amelia Earhart (never available on CD in the US), the unreleased second album, plus various live tracks."


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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