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 NEIL YOUNG finds bootleg in shop & TAKES IT! '71

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 10/06/2013 : 14:17:14
Neil finds a bootleg recording of a live CSNY show and confronts the store employee who has no idea who he is. At first, Neil is looking for the new Bob Dylan album "Greatest Hits Vol. 2" but finds a bootleg Dylan album instead. He then discovers a Crosby & Nash and a CSNY bootleg as well.

"I worked on this shoot. This was a record store on Melrose Ave. in LA. and this wasn't a set up. We did it while working on the film that became Journey Through the Past. The record store guy was visibly nervous and Neil was contentious because he was pissed that people were putting out the music and it was badly recorded. He ended up taking all the records so the public wouldn't be ripped off by buying music that wasn't up to the level Neil wants."
-canyongirl 100

(Thx RW)

Neil was never one to mince words or backdown... he really has that poor store clerk confused and flustered, who has no idea who Neil is.

Even today, Neil hates to see any recordings out there, bootleg or legit, that gives the record buyer an inferior audio product (and bootleggers really exploited our lust for any & all recordings by a favorite artist with mostly really crappy recordings or pressings). God bless him. Gotta love him. Neil did everything in his power to prevent any products he felt weren't up to snuff, until the technology caught up with the times...going as far as removing bootlegs from our small town record shops!

I actually think Neil was pretty sweet, though firmly grounded in his stance on not allowing crappy bootlegs to be sold without his consent...but he sure made that store clerk nervous!



Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stewart Posted - 13/06/2013 : 01:46:13
Originally posted by John9

And in similar vein, Neil Young busking outside Glasgow Central Station in some ways, quite a haunting and atmospheric piece of footage:

great stuff, thanks
John9 Posted - 10/06/2013 : 18:38:31

And in similar vein, Neil Young busking outside Glasgow Central Station in some ways, quite a haunting and atmospheric piece of footage:
lemonade kid Posted - 10/06/2013 : 17:36:24
Originally posted by rocker

I actually think Neil was pretty sweet, though firmly grounded in his stance on not allowing crappy bootlegs to be sold without his consent...but he sure made that store clerk nervous!

Besides 'sweet' I'd add 'humble!' hmmm..a guy working in a music store and he doesn't know Neil Young even at that time?? I thought about that because I was at record store(one of the very few) in my area a few weeks ago and I heard the mgr asking an individual who was getting a phone interview for a job a number of questions on music and performers. Now from the conversation the individual appeared to know who was who..sure not like that guy in the vid!!...;-)..

For sure, rocker. Gotta know your stuff nowadays. I'm afraid I'd be just as lost as that kid back in 1971, if it was a contemporary artists kind of record if it's old vinyl, I'm IN.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
rocker Posted - 10/06/2013 : 16:00:40
I actually think Neil was pretty sweet, though firmly grounded in his stance on not allowing crappy bootlegs to be sold without his consent...but he sure made that store clerk nervous!

Besides 'sweet' I'd add 'humble!' hmmm..a guy working in a music store and he doesn't know Neil Young even at that time?? I thought about that because I was at record store(one of the very few) in my area a few weeks ago and I heard the mgr asking an individual who was getting a phone interview for a job a number of questions on music and performers. Now from the conversation the individual appeared to know who was who..sure not like that guy in the vid!!...;-)..

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