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 MICHAEL RATTRAY-The Ghost Of Nick Drake

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 07/06/2013 : 19:58:05
- blue pop/melodic/melancholic/comic

The Ghost Of Nick Drake

From Perth, Scotland, UK

Michael Rattray is a composer, singer and artist based in Perth in Scotland. He is currently working on his new solo studio album "Human Life".

The songs he writes move through many genres from autobiographical heartfelt melodic acoustic, in your face rock and pop with a healthy smattering of tongue in cheek lyrics.

His new album "Human life" is a folk pop and more serious affair which has drawn on local musician's contributions including cello, violin, accordian, double bass, flute, and a full live choir.

His live set is usually performed with his life long friend and bassist Gavin Kelly which creates a very gelled, intense and often humourous performance.

He is such a prolific songwriter that he is open to and looking for a publisher as he is also interested in writing for others.

As well as writing and performing music, he is also a busy exhibiting artist ( and runs a personlised song writing service called "Tailor made tunes uk". (

More tunes on Sound Cloud


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