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T O P I C    R E V I E W
captain america and billy Posted - 31/05/2013 : 15:27:47
Been listening to my copy of Quicksilver Messenger Service's 1973 anthology,"Quicksilver" on the original orange Capitol label.Nicky Hopkins was certainly quite ahead of his time on that piano.Marvelously textured flourishes."What About Me" and "Just For Love" are top notch writing."Fresh Air" is wonderfully trippy psych-blues.On a collection I once owned called "Electric Sixties",which also featured the likes of "Eight Miles High" and "Born To Be Wild" among many other solid classics,the extended middle was chopped off.Compilation blasphemy!!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stewart Posted - 31/05/2013 : 23:29:16
happy trails was a classic, wish i'd seen them
SignedRW Posted - 31/05/2013 : 18:54:57
One of the absolute best books about music from a couple of years ago, Julian Dawson's "And On Piano, Nicky Hopkins." Killer book, from beginning to end, one of those very rare ones that's nearly impossible to put down. Highest personal recommendations for this book. Julian Dawson's a fine musician (he's a singer/songwriter) with a number of strong solo albums, who also spent years as a member of Iain Matthews' reactivated Plainsong. Get the book, you'll be glad that you did...
lemonade kid Posted - 31/05/2013 : 16:39:30
Originally posted by captain america and billy

Been listening to my copy of Quicksilver Messenger Service's 1973 anthology,"Quicksilver" on the original orange Capitol label.Nicky Hopkins was certainly quite ahead of his time on that piano.Marvelously textured flourishes."What About Me" and "Just For Love" are top notch writing."Fresh Air" is wonderfully trippy psych-blues.On a collection I once owned called "Electric Sixties",which also featured the likes of "Eight Miles High" and "Born To Be Wild" among many other solid classics,the extended middle was chopped off.Compilation blasphemy!!

Quicksilver are the absolute best. Nicky Hopkins is great.

Their first two LPs are the best of their catalog and must-haves.

Who Do You Love...that takes up a full side on Happy Trails is a legendary masterpiece. 25 minutes

The Fool - 12 minites


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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