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 Judee Sill in Howard Kaylan's "Shell Shocked"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sometimesmylifeissoeerie Posted - 28/05/2013 : 23:00:44
HK has just written a new book about his days with the Turtles, Zappa and Flo and Eddie.
He mentions JS thusly:
"Our own label, Blimp, had signed a brilliant singer-songwriteto a contract. Her name was Judee Sill, and she was an extraordinary artist; sensitive, brilliant, and talented beyond my comprehension. Jim Pons and his fellow ex-Leaves member Jonn Beck had discovered Judee, who had a heroin problem, upon her release from a reform school in L.A. for one crime or another. Her husband was in fact, Bob Harris, who would later be installed as the keyboardist in the Mothers of Invention. The world of professional music is indeed a small one. Judee was currently in the studio with Graham Nash producing what would be the first album released on Asylum Records, Judee Sill.
"One of Judee's songs screamed to be sung by yours truly. I humbled myself by appealing to White Whale to do the unthinkable on their dime. I went into Western with Judee playing guitarand sang her beautiful "Lady-O" as sweetly as I could. We added and Al and Mark's la-la-las at the end. It was gorgeous."
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 28/05/2013 : 23:03:21


The Turtles


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
lemonade kid Posted - 28/05/2013 : 23:02:14
Sweet Judee


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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