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 Flamin Groovies 2 UK dates

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mikeb Posted - 24/05/2013 : 13:49:11
"Having just completed a successful tour of Japan and Australia, The Flamin’ Groovies have returned in full force! The Cyril Jordan, Chris Wilson, George Alexander line-up that rocked the UK, Europe and the US from 1971 – 1980 are back in action.

With the addition of Victor Penalosa on drums the band are set to return to British soil after more than 30 years to play a show at London’s Scala on the 2nd of July following a performance at Hard Rock Calling at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on 30th June."

Scala has been booked, set list they have been playing has been their 70s material including Slow Death

and Shake Some Action
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stewart Posted - 26/05/2013 : 18:11:03

Weird, I have checked their set list one of their Australian dates, some footage of their recent dates on YouTube. Saw a couple of covers but they were Byrds songs.

Yes I forgot, I think there were some early Byrds songs too! It was the no of covers that was so frustrating
mikeb Posted - 26/05/2013 : 14:26:03
Originally posted by stewart

Saw them at Rafters, Manchester in the late 70s and was so disappointed they didnt play Shake Some Action, they played loads of Beatles and Stones covers, totally crazy

Weird, I have checked their set list one of their Australian dates, some footage of their recent dates on YouTube. Saw a couple of covers but they were Byrds songs. Scala publicity "Fans have been delighted with what is being called "a dream set list", including original songs the band has never performed before onstage."
stewart Posted - 26/05/2013 : 00:17:57
Saw them at Rafters, Manchester in the late 70s and was so disappointed they didnt play Shake Some Action, they played loads of Beatles and Stones covers, totally crazy
lemonade kid Posted - 24/05/2013 : 14:11:29
Originally posted by mikeb

"Having just completed a successful tour of Japan and Australia, The Flamin’ Groovies have returned in full force! The Cyril Jordan, Chris Wilson, George Alexander line-up that rocked the UK, Europe and the US from 1971 – 1980 are back in action.

With the addition of Victor Penalosa on drums the band are set to return to British soil after more than 30 years to play a show at London’s Scala on the 2nd of July following a performance at Hard Rock Calling at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on 30th June."

Scala has been booked, set list they have been playing has been their 70s material including Slow Death

and Shake Some Action

HA! Didn't know the Groovies were still around! COOL!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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