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T O P I C    R E V I E W
captain america and billy Posted - 20/05/2013 : 15:35:32
Been re-listening to Buffalo Springfield glorious sophomore effort "Again".Amazing record!Either side alone stands testament to their solid place in the evolution of rock into serious art.My faves happen to be consecutive tracks,Stills' "Everydays" and Young's "Expecting to Fly" from side one.The albums finale,"Broken Arrow" is like a mini-rock opera,expanse with various textures and returns to its original theme.What can I expect from their first album,the one with "For What It's Worth"?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 20/05/2013 : 17:15:19
A brilliant masterpiece--when I bought it in 1966, it was (and still is) like no other LP. A creative groundbreaking one-of-a-kind masterwork.

For What It's Worth

Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing

Sit Down I Think I Love You

Do I Have To COme Right Out And Say It

Go And Say goodbye

Out Of My Mind

Flying On The Ground Is Wrong

And MONO is the only and best way to hear it!!


And though Last Time Around was pieced together in the sound booth from separately recorded tracks by Neil or Steve, and a few together, by the only two original members left, Stills & Furay, along with Jimmie Messina, it is a great album and broke my heart when I realized it would be their last. I didn't want to believe the title! I hoped it was just the name of a song contained within. No internet to give news of breakups...

On The Way home

Four Days Gone


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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