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 TREES & Celia Humphris-S. Denny styled 70's folk

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 15/05/2013 : 22:12:47

Trees - The Garden Of Jane Delawney (1970)

The Garden Of Jane Delawney is the Debut Album by the English Folk-Rock Band

The Garden Of Jane Delawney

In the peak of popularity of the Electric Folk Genre, the Trees sprung out. Similarly to the Hottest Band in the movement, Fairport Convention, they also played Traditional Songs and had a Female singer to match Sandy Denny (since we are talking about Electric Folk, why not mention Steeleye Span and Maddy Prior), while being much more prone to Guitar Solos and assorted things. The Band only released two Albums during their year and a half of existence and none of them achieved any kind of success. Both were released in 1970, early and late, and the lack of response, brought them to an end. A second Line-up got together soon after and continued for the next two years, with Musicians coming from Mr. Fox and J.S.D. Band. This incarnation of the Band can still be heard on rare Bootlegs. Back to The Garden Of Jane Delawney, while most of the Songs sound like very old Folk Tunes, the grand majority are in fact, Original songs, while there still being a quite big number of old Folk Songs, as was customary in the time.

Best Tracks - "Nothing Special", "The Great Silkie", "The Garden Of Jane Delawney", "Lady Margaret", "Glasgerion", "She Moved Thro' The Fair", "Road" and "Snail's Lament". A very good Folk Album, with nice Vocal melodies and Guitar work. It has become a classical Album on the Folk Rock Movement, as has the Band.

- Bias Boshell - Guitar, Bass, Vocals.
- Unwin Brown - Drums, Vocals.
- Barry Clarke - Guitar.
- David Costa - Guitar.
- Celia Humphris - Keyboards, Vocals.





Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
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harvey Posted - 16/05/2013 : 00:31:23
Barry Clarke was the lead guitarist and singer with Casablanca who supported Arthur and Love on the 1974 tour. Dave Costa was also in Casablanca at the beginning but left before the tour. He was the son of Sam Costa a well known BBC Radio DJ in England in the 60's. Barry and Dave are the two at the top of the picture, Barry on the left and Dave on the right.
Quite a change of style from Trees to Casablanca as Casablanca were a jazz funk band. Quite a few Trees fans came to see Casablanca and came to the dressing room afterwards to see Barry. I think they liked Arthur and Love. Tonight, 15th May 1974, was the Speakeasy gig (horrible get in and out with the gear, stairs and narrow passages).Club packed with well known faces but not a good show (Love only, no support, do not think Arthur liked playing in a tightly packed room). Very hot day spent a lot of time at club ice making machine. Left it until morning to get gear out as only 35 miles to drive to next night's gig (the 16th May) at Dunstable Civic Hall where some of the photos on this site were taken. The B/W ones of Arthur and the band on stage and Bruce Riley and the roadie Logan in one I think. Where did that 39 years go? Dunstable Civic Hall, a very well known gig, lots of people and bands appeared there, Bowie etc. Now a Supermarket .... disgraceful.
I remember Barry had an amazing Dick Knight guitar that tuned to slide tuning when you really pulled the small arm connected to the neck strap so you could do it hands free, just jerk the neck... White, large bodied semi acoustic, deeper than a 335 Gibson, 3 pickups if I remember rightly. I think it started to get slightly unreliable tuning wise towards the Rainbow gig on the 23rd. I think it ended up back with Dick Knight who lived just outside London in Byfleet.
Harvey the Roadie

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