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 WOMB-Heavy trippy S.F. Psych'69-missed em!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 11/03/2013 : 22:32:06
Anyone catch this San Fran band back in the day!
I missed 'em completely! Worth checking out..bridging folk-psych-rock-progressive-jazz.
Flutes & horns too.

WOMB-"Overdub" 1969

Really nice album art and WITHOUT Photoshop!!

Womb-"Evil People" 1969

The second album from San Francisco-based band Womb. Great late 60's acid sounds, plenty of fuzz guitar, trippy studio effects, female vocals etc. The album is essentially crossover between the psychedelic and progressive era.'Flash' a somewhat mystical,trippy piece of psychedelia, 'Love' is experimental soft psychedelia with liberal lashings of woodwind and 'Evil People' an amalgam of psychedelia and progressivism with nice guitar work.

Members: Karyl Boddy - piano, guitar, vocals
Ron Brunecker - drums
Rory Butcher - congas, percussion, vocals
Christopher Johnson - bass
Roluf Stuart - saxophone, flute
Greg Young - guitar


WOMB-"Womb" 1969

Womb’s self-titled debut starts off with the Folk tune Conceptions Of Reality II with just an acoustic guitar and female vocals. At the very end however the whole group comes in for some loud, blaring Rock. The album is actually a mix of styles from Folk, to Blues to Psych. The best cut is the sublime instrumental Morning Rises Early with hints of Jazz in the sax and flute playing. The second side is also worth a listen with Hang On and its catchy chorus of Look around round.

Conceptions Of Reality II


Many more plays at youtube if you like!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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