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 Don't Bogart That Joint -songs that take us higher

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 27/02/2013 : 19:58:55
Fraternity of Man

"Don't Bogart That Joint"


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 02/03/2013 : 18:23:36
Originally posted by captain america and billy

Is THAT what that cover looks like?I've searched for it many times at my local used shop but have never turned it up.But of course I want it on origianl vinyl knowing that its naturally much easier to find on CD simply because whenever I'm looking for this sort of psych record,I want to get as close to the real sixties experience as possible.CD's with alot of these things just ISN'T the same.And besides,they're way too small to pick out all the "Paul Is Dead" clues!

Good, captn. Nothing like holding that record jacket with the vinyl on the TT, and taking it all in....sounds & sights of Country Joe!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
captain america and billy Posted - 02/03/2013 : 17:24:49
Is THAT what that cover looks like?I've searched for it many times at my local used shop but have never turned it up.But of course I want it on origianl vinyl knowing that its naturally much easier to find on CD simply because whenever I'm looking for this sort of psych record,I want to get as close to the real sixties experience as possible.CD's with alot of these things just ISN'T the same.And besides,they're way too small to pick out all the "Paul Is Dead" clues!
lemonade kid Posted - 02/03/2013 : 16:58:48
Originally posted by BobbyFischer

I remember listening to dont bogart one of the first time I got high and that long Rooollll......... another one sequence never seemed to end ;-) Great track Lk but Im pretty sure its The fraternity of man,not Country Joe.

Of course! Thanks, bf.

Well, Country Joe made two albums that were (and ARE) one big trip..."electric music for the mind and body".

Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine...that iconic organ sound was THE trip.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
BobbyFischer Posted - 02/03/2013 : 16:27:59
I remember listening to dont bogart one of the first time I got high and that long Rooollll......... another one sequence never seemed to end ;-) Great track Lk but Im pretty sure its The fraternity of man,not Country Joe.
markk Posted - 01/03/2013 : 22:48:51
For all you vipers
captain america and billy Posted - 01/03/2013 : 19:30:23
I love those old UNI "swirl" labels,so reminiscent of Capitol's contemporary 45's.I've had "Incense and Peppermints" on this label as well as a few early Neil Diamond singles.
lemonade kid Posted - 28/02/2013 : 17:37:50
IMITATION SITUATION (Toccata & Fugue)-Where Do You Go?

FEVER TREE....maybe my all time favorite SF psychedelic creation...revelatory!

Recorded in a huge church on the big organ, to get that cathedral big Bach sound!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
lemonade kid Posted - 28/02/2013 : 16:49:24
Originally posted by captain america and billy

Have yet to hear "Odessa" but the Gibbs' first greatest hits compilation,1976'6 "Bee Gees Gold" is one of my favorite "best ofs" and several of its tracks fit squarely into the mood of those in "alternate states of consciousness".Just as ANY great works,they collectively coerce its audiences into its very own microcosm of mind expanding platitudes much in the manner of "Pet Sounds" and "Rubber Soul".

I included a full album youtube ODESSA play above...give it a try.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
captain america and billy Posted - 28/02/2013 : 16:43:10
Have yet to hear "Odessa" but the Gibbs' first greatest hits compilation,1976'6 "Bee Gees Gold" is one of my favorite "best ofs" and several of its tracks fit squarely into the mood of those in "alternate states of consciousness".Just as ANY great works,they collectively coerce its audiences into its very own microcosm of mind expanding platitudes much in the manner of "Pet Sounds" and "Rubber Soul".
lemonade kid Posted - 28/02/2013 : 16:18:05
Originally posted by rocker

The whole album is a mind expanding trip...a real accomplishment and masterpiece; One that is getting more positive recognition today than it ever did way back when

Yes, it's a great one. It's like FC I think. It just keeps on taking you in as you listen. I'm going to put it on today.

ODESSA is a great one indeed, rocker!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
rocker Posted - 28/02/2013 : 16:03:54
The whole album is a mind expanding trip...a real accomplishment and masterpiece; One that is getting more positive recognition today than it ever did way back when

Yes, it's a great one. It's like FC I think. It just keeps on taking you in as you listen. I'm going to put it on today.
lemonade kid Posted - 28/02/2013 : 15:26:33

Gently beautiful psychedelic adventures with brilliant savage guitar weaving in and out of the melodies.

Desert Raven...some nice psychedelic effects

Valley Of The Silver Moon....a real trip...anthemic guitar riffs and psychedelic trip...enjoy!

Natural Rhapsody


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
lemonade kid Posted - 27/02/2013 : 23:08:25
ODESSA--The Bee Gees

The whole album is a mind expanding trip...a real accomplishment and masterpiece; One that is getting more positive recognition today than it ever did way back when




A rare one (mine is in much better shape). They topped the White Album cover with the use of red felt!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
captain america and billy Posted - 27/02/2013 : 20:33:30
Side two quickly became one of my favorite album sides almost instantly after the purchase of THIS one.I love the little LSD "jingle" insert.Take THAT all you neo-facist pig dogs!
lemonade kid Posted - 27/02/2013 : 19:59:41
"Janis" Country Joe

From one of my all time favortie trippy albums, and some beautiful music too.

My vinyl & jacket is in better shape--no wear and in the opened shrink still (and a perfect Fish Game poster).

The Vanguard "pewter/platinum" label is one of my all time favorites--just beautiful

We wore one out back in the day!


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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