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 article on Nick Drake in Dec 12 issue of Record Co

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 28/11/2012 : 23:57:54
The cult of Nick Drake continues to rise. Patrick Humphries, who helped kick off the obsession by writing the first biography of the singer-songwriter, reflects on the adoration of an artist whose LPs were ignored when he was alive, and assesses what he means today

For me the most interesting part is: what is left?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 02/12/2012 : 17:09:43
Patrick Humphries reflects on when he wrote his book and what happened since:

"So, nearly 40 years on from Nick Drake’s sad, solitary death, what is left?

One song from Aix hasn’t emerged; some bedroom demos remain; alternate takes; BBC sessions; tantalizing news that home movies of Nick in France, 1965, may have come to light…

Then along comes a film clip: tall figure loping across the field at a 70s rock festival – and then gone. The internet went into meltdown; it was him, the only moving footage of the adult Nick Drake. But no one can say for certain".

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