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T O P I C    R E V I E W
captain america and billy Posted - 16/10/2012 : 16:47:09
Just caught a glimpse of some of today's top twenty and was a little more than pleasantly to find some ACTUAL REAL MUSIC!!At last I heard at least a half decent hint that at least SOME of today's artists haven't forgotten about the fundamentals of making a record.Finally,some records that don't get glaringly overindulgent in electronically enhancing the obvious absence of ACTUAL SUBSTANCE!Such devices were originally designed to AUGMENT a recording and not to be the entire presentation.It certainly was refreshing to hear REAL drums an not soem sort of electronically programmed piece of gadgetry.Call me a purist I guess,but I'm just one of many who still believe in the bass,two guitars,drums and from time to time some extra parts for brass and strings.What I witnessed this morning was evidence that this approach has NOT been entirely abandoned.Wonderful!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
captain america and billy Posted - 17/10/2012 : 17:34:24
Speaking of rock music's more crude side,I'm not normally a big devotee of the English punk thing from the 70's,but at least ONE exception is the Sex Pistol's "Never Mind the Bullocks".A seminal effort similar in tone to the Grunge/Nirvanna movement in the early nineties,which in its own turn is widely considered to be the work that(with the obvious exception of "Sgt. Pepper") had the most OVERALL impact on its generation.And I kind of like what Jack White and sister have done as The White Stripes.White cites The Velvet Underground as a major influence.
lemonade kid Posted - 17/10/2012 : 17:06:28
Originally posted by rocker

You can't beat 2 guitars, bass, drums."

Lou Reed proves it...

Hey isn't that 'rock'n'roll'??? And for those of you who kind of like the Velets and Lou here's a band which sort of gets their influence from them (on lyrics and music) as well as doo-wop and rock from the 'olden' days. Here's a listen to some of their styles.....

Very very nice!

The Raveonettes! great stuff!


Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.

~ Cree Prophecy
captain america and billy Posted - 17/10/2012 : 16:37:43
My personal favorite that achingly exemplified this stark reality avenue is John Lennon's "Plastic Ono Band",his foray into primal scream flavored textures.
rocker Posted - 17/10/2012 : 14:22:17
You can't beat 2 guitars, bass, drums."

Lou Reed proves it...

Hey isn't that 'rock'n'roll'??? And for those of you who kind of like the Velevts and Lou here's a band which sort of gets their influence from them (on lyrics and music) as well as doo-wop and rock from the 'olden' days. Here's a listen to some of their styles.....
lemonade kid Posted - 16/10/2012 : 17:35:48
Originally posted by captain america and billy

As earthy and downright brutally frank it is,the first album with Nico is undeniably essential for those who wish to explore the other side of the peace,love and acid coin that was usurping far more of the commercial rewards.Later,this approach was further and even more deeply approached by Black Sabbath who share the "creators of REAL heavy metal" honor alongside the mighty Led Zeppelin.

"I don`t like overdubs, never liked them."--Lou Redd on recording as if it is live.

We here love the California scene, but this is what Lou & the Velvets had to say...

"We had vast objections to the whole San Francisco scene. It`s just tedious, a lie and untalented. They can`t play and they certainly can`t write... You know, people like Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead are just the most untalented bores that ever came up. Just look at them physically, I mean, can you take Grace Slick seriously? It`s a joke! It`s a joke! The kids are being hyped."

Lou also said this about life...
"Life is like Sanskrit read to a pony."


Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.

~ Cree Prophecy
captain america and billy Posted - 16/10/2012 : 17:27:24
As earthy and downright brutally frank it is,the first album with Nico is undeniably essential for those who wish to explore the other side of the peace,love and acid coin that was usurping far more of the commercial rewards.Later,this approach was further and even more deeply approached by Black Sabbath who share the "creators of REAL heavy metal" honor alongside the mighty Led Zeppelin.
lemonade kid Posted - 16/10/2012 : 16:57:56
From the liner notes on the back of Lou Reed's "New York" LP--

"You can't beat 2 guitars, bass, drums."

Lou Reed proves it...

Dirty Boulevard


Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.

~ Cree Prophecy

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