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 new John Lennon Letters book

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 10/10/2012 : 17:17:27
Didn't get a chance to really look at it in the bookshop yesterday (October 9 - date of publication) but I'm sure the John Lennon Letters is really good. It has the commentary of Hunter Davies, who (back in 1968!) wrote one of the better books on the Beatles (I guess the best book on the band is still Shout!

I'm curious to read what Lennon thought of the Rutles, as I'm sure most fans are!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 10/10/2012 : 22:11:11
it should be a good read. I never cared for John's books, but I'm looking forward to his letters

I think they'll help one to understand his work, like Tolkiens letters (invaluable for insight on Lord)

I can understand someone not wanting to read them, certainly. Who wants to read about him slagging off an ex wife or talking about May Pang

His private life was an absolute shambles but he wrote the most beautiful songs (Love, Real Love..

Joe Morris Posted - 10/10/2012 : 22:07:42
anything about the Rutles and how they broke up?

I think they're quite my favorite group: "Get up and go", "Number one" .. has there ever been a better band?
lemonade kid Posted - 10/10/2012 : 17:21:23
Actually, they are private letters never meant for us or anyone, and I don't feel right about reading them. There are some very bitter words (I've read in reviews) in those private letters - bitterness directed at the other Beatles and I'm sure that they were written during a low point in John's life....never meat to be published.

So yeah, I have a problem with this kind of revelation... won't read it. Don't want to tarnish my Beatles dreams.


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Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.

~ Cree Prophecy

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