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 PARIS-with Bob Welch, power trio ROCK! 1975-77

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 26/09/2012 : 19:47:43

* Paris (1976)
* Big Towne, 2061 (1976)

PARIS had that BIG sound....heavy Metal Zep sound...with that signature Bob Welch voice. Check them out!!

Rock Of Ages

Paris was an American rock music power trio formed in 1975 by guitarist and vocalist Bob Welch, who had just left Fleetwood Mac, bass player Glenn Cornick, formerly of Jethro Tull, and drummer Thom Mooney who had been a member of Nazz with Todd Rundgren. The group released two albums for Capitol Records, but was largely unsuccessful and split in 1977. After the first album, Mooney was replaced by Hunt Sales, who had also played with Rundgren.

Initially the band's sound was rock-oriented, but later developed towards funk, and represented a departure from Welch's work with Fleetwood Mac. A third album was planned, but Sales fell ill and the band split. Songs from the aborted third Paris album were used for Welch's first solo album, French Kiss, and the deal with Capitol was converted into a solo album deal for Welch.[1]

After Paris split up, Welch launched a successful solo career, and Sales worked with Iggy Pop and later Tin Machine with David Bowie.[2] British-born Cornick moved to the US where, after a decade out of the music business, reformed his band Wild Turkey in the 1990s.[3]


Blue Robin

Big Towne 2061


Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.

~ Cree Prophecy
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 26/09/2012 : 23:35:45
hard to find the Paris tracks - the Best of Bob Welch (Rhino) has a few by the band

Always good that Thom Mooney (Nazz drummer) saw some work!


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