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captain america and billy Posted - 25/09/2012 : 17:03:21
Just bought a wonderful DVD collcetion of John Lennon and Yoko Ono's appearances on "The Dick Cavett Show" from the early seventies.Anti-establishment collegiates of today should consider this one ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSIBLE!!Almost spooky as Lennon seems to be speaking from beyond with some good advice for those who wish to indulge themselves in the fine are of peaceful protest.Geroge Harrison's appearance on "Cavett" can be viewed on You Tube.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
captain america and billy Posted - 28/09/2012 : 18:30:26
Lennon could easily have become more of the "Folk Hero" solo artist,the role most often attributed to one Mr. Bob Dylan.Over across the pond one Donovan Leitch was feeling that sort of vibe so clearly,he was actually dubbed "The Scottish Bob Dylan".For at least one album,however,("John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band")and more specifically one song("Working Class Hero")Lennon did indeed exemplify all the character and verve of such a type artist.The one main difference is that John's visions of a new,hopefully more benevolent society required a much more diversified palate of varying expressions as is evidenced chiefly by the WAY out abstract sensibilities of "Revolution 9" which in my opinion is a highly underrated statement of someone who feels trapped somewhere between seeking lasting bliss while struggling with man's earthly desires for war and control of the masses.
rocker Posted - 27/09/2012 : 21:16:39
Just as the Beatles were the big bang of rock and roll.....

I can recall when John kind of got fed up with his "Beatles" gig. I figured he just wanted to feed his "political" side. And that's why it's strange for me to think that the Beatles were looked upon as against the establishment types during that time. I thought they played their politics close to the vest. When Lennon left he looked like he let it all hang out....
captain america and billy Posted - 27/09/2012 : 16:13:21
According to close friend Joan Rivers in a statement she made when Carlin posthumously received the Mark Twain comedy prize,Carlin basically hated the government and establishment figures as an independent decision.However,it was the revolution in the music industry that in part opened the door for further anti-establishment entertainment figures to express their societal discord in what they perceived as a social acceptable manner.Just as the Beatles were the big bang of rock and roll,counterculture hero Lenny Bruce was comedy's mammoth counterculture explosion.On TV,it was Norman Lear who was responsible for such major turns within his industry as is evidenced by "All in the Family's" highly seminal run.
rocker Posted - 27/09/2012 : 14:20:47
And you know I wonder that Lennon influence helped Carlin to press the political button more and more in his comedy as his career went on. I got the impression Carlin hated the 'politicians' who run the country.
captain america and billy Posted - 26/09/2012 : 16:33:51
Chuck Berry and George Carlin joined John and Yoko when the pair co-hosted "The Mike Douglas Show" in '72.There you can see John play "Johnny B. Goode" with his guitar hero and interview Carlin about how he came to make a name for himself in the comedy field.
Joe Morris Posted - 25/09/2012 : 19:40:05
does Chuck Berry guest on that? or George Carlin?

I'll have to check that out. The most recent Cavett show I checked out had Woody Allen on it, probably near the start of his film career

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