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 Mike Nesmith in November Mojo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 25/09/2012 : 00:52:43
apparently he was with some band called the New Monkees!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 26/09/2012 : 18:41:16
I'm glad they're touring again, though I doubt they'll do Milkshake - more focus on Head, probably
(Can you dig it, As we go along, etc) - I believe that was the last Rhino Handmade release by the boys!
captain america and billy Posted - 26/09/2012 : 16:32:00
I've stated the following before.Had Tork not been chosen for the Monkees' project,he very well may have wound up in a really terrific non-pre-fab combo as he was hanging around the same musical circles with friends like Stephen Stills,who recommended that Tork audition for the NBC series.
Joe Morris Posted - 25/09/2012 : 19:44:17
its a good album. Tork didn't really record much. Been listening to Nesmith's Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma of late (several tracks on the album had videos in Elephant Parts) and hes really good

I was always disappointed by Tork in the Monkees - the Missing Links volumes never really had too much by Peter (aside from Tear the Top off my Head) and it seems Nesmith was the most prolific writer of the four

I think Milkshake has all four Monkees:
captain america and billy Posted - 25/09/2012 : 16:50:47
I also hear Peter Tork's latest project Shoe Suede Blues is doing quite well.You can get further info about Tork including new tour dates at Reverb

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