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 Let's talk RUBBER SOUL--UK vs. USA mixes! Pro/Con

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 08/03/2012 : 17:44:56
I am going to repeat what I already have said to start this least the album cover is consistent!

RUBBER SOUL is unique in the Beatles catalog. The sound is just so compelling.

Of course you in the UK had a whole side of tracks on HELP that we didn't to make that one a great album...and you heard some songs that we only got later on Rubber Soul -- songs we hadn't dreamed of with the USA HELP release. At the time HELP was not as well liked by me, as we in the USA had to wade through the incidental movie music.

Now I see the brilliance of HELP.

But I can't listen to RUBBER SOul without starting off with the US vinyl openers..sides one & two! I even added them to my mono masters CD the way I'm used to it.

side A1-"I've Just Seen A Face"

side B1-"It's Only Love"

North American track listing (short but sweet--and I'll never get used to "Dr.Robert" starting it off on side one...OR "What Goes On" starting off side two!!!):

The USA track listing has a better flow to my ears...but I guess the UK fans (John9?) feel that way about the UK version?

1."I've Just Seen a Face" McCartney 2:07
2."Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)" Lennon 2:05
3."You Won't See Me" McCartney 3:22
4."Think for Yourself" (Harrison) Harrison 2:19
5."The Word" Lennon with McCartney and Harrison 2:43
6."Michelle" McCartney 2:42

Side two

1."It's Only Love" Lennon 1:55
2."Girl" Lennon 2:33
3."I'm Looking Through You" McCartney 2:31
4."In My Life" Lennon and McCartney 2:27
5."Wait" Lennon and McCartney 2:16
6."Run for Your Life" Lennon 2:18

Did you hear the false start mix that was not on the UK stereo album....? Guess it only showed up on the US album. I had the mono vinyl so I didn't hear it until 1969!

False start "I'm Looking Through You"...released with the Capitol box??


Some youtube opinions by not so objective's all in the ears

This is the STEREO Version of the U.S. Version of "I'm Looking Through You" and this includes the famous false start found ONLY on the STEREO U.S. version of the album. This is from the Captiol Albums Box Set, Volume 2. This is a great set and the U.S. Version of Rubber Soul in my opinion is far more superior than the U.K. Version that most people are familiar with. It has a much more folky feel to it.


I don't believe it's a false start. It's meant to be that way.

...that's the name of it. the Beatles did not do that on purpose. it was an accident that capitol overlooked. parlophone noticed mistake and removed it.


The U.S. version is the one that Brian Wilson heard, which prompted him to write Pet Sounds. It might not have happened if he heard he U.K. version!


This is the version I grew up just seems right this way...


...the UK version was how it was meant to be, they altered it for the americans to appeal to the US market at the time. no idea why they left out nowhere man for that reason I prefer the UK version.


US version of all their early albums were rubbish. The Beatles sequenced their albums carefully and Capitol ruined it by taking two tracks off and inserting other songs, and releasing way too many singles.


The songs released on the UK albums are the definitive mixes, while the Capitol mixes sound cool in their own right, if it's not present in the UK mix, it's unintentional...

Listen to the stereo remastered CD or any stereo Parlophone pressing of the album, no false start.

__________________________________________'s just different. on a lot of songs the mono mixes are very very different. listen to "Michelle" the U.S. Mono version. it has a longer fade out.


"I'm Looking Through You".....

This is the one song that really sounds better on the US version due to the acoustic guitar being mixed a little louder than the British version.


I prefer the UK album versions, except for Rubber Soul. The false start, sure it adds to the song. The US version had a more acoustic, tambourine, folk-rock sound to it than the UK version. Drive My Car just doesn't seem to belong on the album with Girl, In My Life, I'm Looking Through You, etc. The song" I've Just Seen A Face" turned out to be a wonderful opening number for the album as released in the US. It set the tone.

This one time, the guys at Capital records in the US got it right.

I gotta


I think the main reason people prefer the U.S. track running order of "Rubber Soul" is because it's the one we heard first. I would have to agree that "I've Just Seen A Face" and "It's Only Love" fit the RS mode more than "Drive My Car", "What Goes On" and "If I Needed Someone". Being that "Nowhere Man" was released as a single here, it was the odd one out. As far as the "false start", I think it sounds more like an engineering ploy.

Still, that didn't give Capitol the license to alter it.

So...any thoughts? Start the debate!!


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rocker Posted - 09/03/2012 : 14:14:21
I can well understand that - we are probably all conditioned by our first experience of something wonderful.....whether it was the UK or US version. and '65 a pivotal year'...

Well that's me. I never realized until now how those US Beatle records and the year kind of affected my whole orientation to the music I would like and hear after. I'm sure I got 'conditioned' to those records as I originally heard them and of course there's probably an emotional current running in there too. That RS US release was perfect for me. And looking back it's definitely McGuinn's and Harrison's Ricks and the Lennon/McCartney songwriting partnership which arguably reached its great heights in Rubber Soul that affected what I liked in music after. Lennon said they were always trying to do one better after each successive release. Man those guys worked hard for us!...I'm going to write McCartney (and Starr) a thank you card.....
John9 Posted - 08/03/2012 : 21:49:17
I can well understand that - we are probably all conditioned by our first experience of something wonderful.....whether it was the UK or US version. I vividly remember that I was still absorbing the 14 song Help LP - a record that was a definite leap forward even for the Fabsters. Then a friend told me that a new Beatles album was already ready for release...along with a non-album single....and all this would prove their best yet. For me, 1965 was the pivotal year - two magnificent Beatles LPs, two of Dylan's very best and two revolutionary folk rock albums from The Byrds...who before the year was out were over at RCA recording an early version of Eight Miles High.

I'm away now for a good few days in the Cotswolds....I'm on a residential History of Art course....Dutch painting during the 17th Century....another golden age, of course. Cheers everyone.
lemonade kid Posted - 08/03/2012 : 17:54:38
The North American version is shorter, but I do think SWEETER.

It has a wonderful if you can, I recommended editing your various copies to match the USA version and then judge.

The proper UK version is all we can get nowadays. It was meant to be that way, but the US mix was an accident of artistic perfection.


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973

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