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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 07/03/2012 : 18:09:17
Always been impressed with what a good job Rhino did with the Monkees reissues

When those first came out (early 90s - think the 1st ones were the Monkees and More of the Monkees) I remember thinking how good they looked next to the Beatles. Abbey road - the best album ever recorded (arguably) and its just a little cd booklet with no bonus tracks or anything (you had to pick up Past Masters for B sides like You Know My Name & Old Brown Shoe)

Meanwhile the Monkees reissues (for even banal late releases like Changes and The Monkees Present) had excellent interviews, and pictures of 45 releases, and so forth. Andrew Sandroval (who wrote the liners - the first ones he wrote were for the 1st Missing Links release) even ended up writing a book on the band (Day By Day) that is excellent

Its ironic that such a poor disc as Changes would see a better release than Abbey Road or Let It Be, which are both excellent albums

I guess the best Beatles book remains one of the first, Shout! although excellent books have been written on the Fab Four even recently (You Never Give Me Your Money, on the Beatles business)

on the bright side I think Mickys still touring, probably doing songs with his sister and tackling songs from the Head soundtrack. His recent Carole King is pretty wretched though
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 07/03/2012 : 18:11:26
recent Carole King tribute: King for a Day. (Sadly no songs from HEAD!)

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