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 Best (APPROPRIATE) movie soundtracks or songs.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 05/03/2012 : 22:11:51
Some films use songs to fill the spaces in otherwise boring movies, but they are not necessarily right, nor do they further the plot in a real sense.

What songs & movies do you feel were made for each other, even though not intended to be together at inception?

I just saw Ricky Gervaise in "GHOST STORY" (which I loved).
The use of "I'm Looking Through You" for the opening number in the opening scene was brilliant & use of a BEATLE song?!

We find that Greg Kinnear's character is a cheating scum of a married man, as a speeding bus takes him out in the first moments. He stands apart looking at the scene, only to realize that he has died when a man walks right through him. Key up>> "I'm Looking Through You.'

Made me smile with the pun and wit of it all.

"I'm Looking Through You"...Ringo on the Hammond!


One of the best soundtracks and use of the genre is "Royal Tenenbaums"..brilliant & a delight throughout.

1. "111 Archer Avenue" by Mark Mothersbaugh
2. "These Days" by Nico
3. "String Quartet in F major (Second Movement)" by Maurice Ravel, played by the Ysa˙e Quartet
4. "Me and Julio Down By The Schoolyard" by Paul Simon
5. "Sonata for Cello and Piano in F Minor" by George Enescu - performed by The Mutato Muzika Orchestra
6. "Wigwam" by Bob Dylan
7. "Look At That Old Grizzly Bear" by Mark Mothersbaugh
8. "Look At Me" by John Lennon
9. "Lullaby" by Emitt Rhodes
10. "Mothersbaugh's Canon" by Mark Mothersbaugh
11. "Police & Thieves" by The Clash
12. "Scrapping and Yelling" by Mark Mothersbaugh
13. "Judy Is A Punk" by Ramones
14. "Pagoda's Theme" by Mark Mothersbaugh
15. "Needle In The Hay" by Elliott Smith
16. "Fly" by Nick Drake
17. "I Always Wanted To Be A Tenenbaum" by Mark Mothersbaugh
18. "Christmas Time Is Here" by Vince Guaraldi Trio
19. "Stephanie Says" by The Velvet Underground
20. "Rachel Evans Tenenbaum (1965-2000)" by Mark Mothersbaugh
21. "Sparkplug Minuet" by Mark Mothersbaugh
22. "The Fairest Of The Seasons" by Nico
23. "Hey Jude" by The Mutato Muzika Orchestra


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973

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