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 Worst tribute album.. Love? Nick Drake??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 03/02/2012 : 02:55:42
I'm not sure of the worst tribute album

We're All Normal When We Want Our Freedom is a ghastly tribute to Lee's Love (I'm surprised he loved the horrific early 90s release)

But Brittle Days..

Nick Drake is SUCH a superb songwriter, but .. YIKES!!

heres a taster - the High Llamas covering At the Chime of a City Clock off of Bryter Layter:


Smack Dab doing Bummer in the Summer:

heaven help you if this was your first exposure to Love!!
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Joe Morris Posted - 07/02/2012 : 15:28:27
is Teenage Fanclub's cover of Maybe the people would be the times or Between Clark and Hilldale
some kind of joke?

can't imagine it being a B Side to Sparky's Dream, let alone being on the Love tribute!

the only bad song they ever cut
lemonade kid Posted - 05/02/2012 : 23:51:28
Unfortunately they pick well-known artists for such ventures (with no feel for what they are doing in tribute of an artist). Instead they need to recruit talented artists, no matter how well known.

But then would it sell...too bad is always about $$. If it's good the money will come.


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973
sometimesmylifeissoeerie Posted - 05/02/2012 : 23:29:29
The HLs tried to funkify the drum beat and rhythms of "Chimes" and the result was pretty ghastly. If they hadn't done that, it wouldn't have been that bad...
I have to give the credit for the worst one to the recent Judee Sill Tribute CD, though.
Not one even mediocre track.
What happened to the days of "Nillson Sings Newman"?
Are these kids that ADHD'd and musically retarded that they can't even properly interpret a song?
I should know the answer to that one- I was a high school music teacher for almost 16 years

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