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 First Crush...I'll start with Dusty

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 02/02/2012 : 19:16:00
So what artist was your first crush? Dusty, Paul, Blondie, Linda Ronstadt, Hendrix? (there's all kinds of crushes!)

Was Dusty HOT?! We all loved her. But it was the voice!!

I only want to Be With You

Royal Albert Hall 1979

Son Of A Preacher one does it better!


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
markk Posted - 05/03/2012 : 23:04:55
I think she deserves a spot here
DaveyTee Posted - 04/03/2012 : 23:35:14
OK, she's not from the 60s and by the time she came on the scene in the late 80s I was well past having crushes, but Wendy James certainly gave me an acute attack of Dirty Old Man Syndrome.

John9 Posted - 04/03/2012 : 09:26:44
Reparata and the Delrons.....especially Weather still makes me feel 16 again:

From this day on, it's gonna rain

After doing a little research on this I gather that in later years, there was some conjecture as to which of the Delrons was actually Reparata...there were court cases, apparently.
lemonade kid Posted - 04/03/2012 : 02:07:32
Originally posted by harvey

Ok, my hometown girl, Twinkle, had a hit with 'Terry' forerunner of the Shangri La's 'Leader of the Pack'. (same subject, boy on a motorbike, same result, he falls off and someone gets a hit record). Her real name was Lynn Ripley and her niece is the actress Fay Ripley (Cold Feet etc).
OR an American all girl band. Goldie and the Gingerbreads. 'Baby, baby, can't you hear my heart beat'.
Supposed to be a 'First Crush'. Ok so I have trouble making my mind up. So I am a roadie, love em and leave em. Arthur did on the 74 tour.
I am sure I can think of many more and if not I can dig out some 60's magazines with lots more.
Harvey the roadie

Doesn't every crush seem like the first?! Every one.

Share 'em all.


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973
harvey Posted - 04/03/2012 : 01:19:10
Ok, my hometown girl, Twinkle, had a hit with 'Terry' forerunner of the Shangri La's 'Leader of the Pack'. (same subject, boy on a motorbike, same result, he falls off and someone gets a hit record). Her real name was Lynn Ripley and her niece is the actress Fay Ripley (Cold Feet etc).
OR an American all girl band. Goldie and the Gingerbreads. 'Baby, baby, can't you hear my heart beat'.
Supposed to be a 'First Crush'. Ok so I have trouble making my mind up. So I am a roadie, love em and leave em. Arthur did on the 74 tour.
I am sure I can think of many more and if not I can dig out some 60's magazines with lots more.
Harvey the roadie
harvey Posted - 03/03/2012 : 22:19:02
Ok so a few more, Dodie West, did a really good version of 'Think I'm going out of my head' but cannot find it on youtube.Disappeared on to Kids TV but a real 'looker'.
Girls in bands, Honey Lantree drummer in the Honeycombs or Megan Davies bass player in the Applejacks (Not Ray and Dave's sister as often reported but they did cover a song by Ray)
Harvey the roadie
lemonade kid Posted - 03/03/2012 : 20:46:07
Francoise Hardy forever! Good one, Harv!


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973
John9 Posted - 03/03/2012 : 20:42:17
Harvey - Billie certainly had a good voice. I think that my favourite would be Nobody's Home To Go Home:
harvey Posted - 03/03/2012 : 13:34:44
People in the U.S. may not know her but Billie Davis was big in Britain in the mid 60's. Could have been a big star, had the looks and the voice, but rather sidetracked by being in a car crash with the Shadows Jet Harris which injured both of them physically and career-wise in the eyes of the press as Jet Harris was married. She had a couple of other songs in the charts and always chose good writers/producers, but people seemed to remember the scandal rather than the songs. She did some gigs with Harris in the last few years of his life. A few songs on youtube.
OR how about Sylvie Vartan or Francoise Hardy, both French and may not be well known in the U.S. Again, see youtube.
Harvey the roadie
rocker Posted - 02/03/2012 : 14:59:52
here she is!
rocker Posted - 02/03/2012 : 14:59:01
and to just get countrified...;-)...

Besides great looks to me her singing comes off so "charged" you can take that a few ways...hey I would've asked her out..........;-)......
John9 Posted - 02/03/2012 : 08:38:47
Originally posted by markk

This is probably kind of shallow, as we all age, some well and some not so well, but I couldn't put Linda down on this topic, cause of what she looks like now, kind of hefty to be nice. Take Grace Slick, who now looks like an old hag.

In fairness though, Grace is Linda's senior by seven years. The recent interviews that are available for viewing show her to be even more interesting to listen to than she was during the Airplane's heyday...and I think she looks great:
markk Posted - 02/03/2012 : 02:27:24
This is probably kind of shallow, as we all age, some well and some not so well, but I couldn't put Linda down on this topic, cause of what she looks like now, kind of hefty to be nice. Take Grace Slick, who now looks like an old hag.
bob f. Posted - 02/03/2012 : 02:18:47
i love LINDA!

...what the world needs now...
lemonade kid Posted - 02/03/2012 : 00:03:06
Sweet brown eyed LINDA can you not love her?!

THE VOICE! No frills...just ease, purity and power!!


LOVE IS A ROSE...covering Neil one was better at choosing songs to cover!


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973

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