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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 23/01/2012 : 02:24:46
as much as I love the fact that they are reissuing albums like Face to Face and Arthur..
in deluxe 2CD editions, you just have to wonder how much they're gonna get played

For instance, on the Something Else By The Kinks double cd there aren't really too many bonus tracks - an alternate "Afternoon Tea"
a few other things

The booklets with the releases are wonderful, but the releases do come across as just ploys to get more money - if you include the original cd releases on Castle (Something Else sounded wretched on the Castle issue on cd - maybe that was just the Shel Talmy production though!)
and the reissues with bonus tracks from the late 90s,
then the peak for the group (60s - Reprise Records) have seen reissue perhaps too many times by now?

That being said, its nice to have a 3CD set for the Village Green album, though "Last of the steam powered trains" is probably the worst thing the Kinks ever cut (including the wretched RCA period!)

Now if only Ray would allow the Great Lost Kinks Album to see release (officially). Best album they ever did, up there with Hey Jude (the best Beatles?) and Biograph (Dylan's best?)

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