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 PATTI SMITH-what more can one say?!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 12/09/2011 : 18:17:25
Patti Smith

A great album....she proves over and over why she is the Mother of the best sense of the genre.

"G-L-O-R-I-A....GLORIA" Such a great version!!

Eric Andersen wrote "Black Crow" for Patti and they hung out at the Chelsea Hotel, played the streets of Beat Avenue, played music together, lived together a while.....lived the life of poet and poetess (early 70's).

"BIRDLAND" from Horses....brilliant

Nirvana & punk (the good PUNK) owes everything to Patti, so in fair play she tops them by brilliantly covering "Smells Like Teenage Spirit"

Time to get on your Horses & ride!

Sometimes I have good luck...
& write better than I can.
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John9 Posted - 24/07/2013 : 00:01:42
Yes, Bobby - it was definitely up there at one time....I'm sure I didn't dream it. By the way Alan Johnston is now the BBC man in Rome...I shouldn't think that he'll be seeking another assignment in the Middle East anytime soon!

I too like her version of the Dylan song...and have just checked out her take on So You Want To Be a Rock and Roll Star.
BobbyFischer Posted - 23/07/2013 : 23:15:59
Would love to hear Patti version of 7 and 7 is!
She has a fantastic version of Wicked messenger that even his Bobness aproved :

Originally posted by John9

Patti is a truly great interpreter of great songs....there used to be a video of her doing Seven and Seven Is. The 'Alan Johnson' to whom Patti pays tribute at the end of Gimme Shelter was at the time, one of the top BBC foreign correspondents. He had been kidnapped by an extremist group whilst on assignment in Palestine and at one point his prospects of survival seemed bleak. Mercifully, Patti's prayers for his safe release were eventually answered.

lemonade kid Posted - 13/09/2011 : 17:06:01
Patti appearing on The Colbert Report to talk about her book that won the National Book Award.

Her 2007 "Twelve" album covering twelve songs is really amazing.
Playing the songs of her generation....REALLY well done and lovingly.

Changing Of The Guards

White Rabbit

Sometimes I have good luck...
& write better than I can.
DaveyTee Posted - 13/09/2011 : 09:05:26
In 2003 Patti Smith headlined the "Burns An' A' That! Festival" in Ayrshire and included a couple of Robert Burns' songs in her performance. She wrote her own music to Burns' "Sweet Afton", which she performed with Michael Marra, Dundee's answer to Randy Newman, and she also sang Burns' "Ye Jacobites by Name", as well as joining Eddie Reader in "Auld Lang Syne". Sadly, I have been unable to find any recordings of these performances. Patti obviously had a fondness for Burns as in 2009 photos taken by her featured in a show of artworks influenced by Burns's poetry at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.

Two years later, Lou Reed was the rather unlikely headline act at "Burns and A' That" although unlike Patti, Lou did not perform any of Burns' songs. "I wouldn't want to do the famous Robert Burns in Scotland without a Scottish accent. That's unthinkable, " he said.

John9 Posted - 12/09/2011 : 20:13:32
Patti is a truly great interpreter of great songs....there used to be a video of her doing Seven and Seven Is. The 'Alan Johnson' to whom Patti pays tribute at the end of Gimme Shelter was at the time, one of the top BBC foreign correspondents. He had been kidnapped by an extremist group whilst on assignment in Palestine and at one point his prospects of survival seemed bleak. Mercifully, Patti's prayers for his safe release were eventually answered.
lemonade kid Posted - 12/09/2011 : 18:24:11
And the original

Sometimes I have good luck...
& write better than I can.
lemonade kid Posted - 12/09/2011 : 18:19:20
PAtti covering GIMME SHELTER....2007!!

from a comment...truth!

What a cover!! Patti always sings like her life depends on it...awesome stuff! Great singing isn't vocal acrobatics, it's singing with feel and#65279; conviction as Patti does here. A lesson to all those American Idol/X-factor wanabees!

Her masterpiece

Because The Night

Sometimes I have good luck...
& write better than I can.

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