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 Cryan' Shames-garage rock & Hoagy Carmichael

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 14/06/2011 : 20:28:31
Saw these guys love in 1968...the sweetest GREATest vocal harmony and musicians out of Chicago.

CRYAN' SHAMES (not the UK Cryin Shames)

We Could Be Happy
..some of the best harmonies to come out of 1966

The Cryan' Shames is an American garage rock group from Hinsdale, Illinois. They originally formed as The Travelers, with founding members Tom Doody ("Toad"), Gerry Stone ("Stonehenge"), Dave Purple ("Grape") of The Prowlers, Denny Conroy and Jim Fairs from The Roosters, Jim Pilster ("J.C. Hooke", so named because he was born without a left hand and wore a hook), and Bill Hughes. In 1966, upon learning that another band already had the name The Travelers, they needed to find another name; J.C. Hooke remarked that their difficulty in doing so was "a cryan' shame," and thus named the band.[1]

After signing with Bob Monaco, the promotion manager for Destination Music, their first hit single was "If I Needed Someone", which was not released in the US (but included on their debut album). It was soon followed by "Sugar and Spice," a Tony Hatch song that was a hit in 1963 for the English group The Searchers. The Shames' version reached #49 in the USA (while reaching #4 on local radio WLS).

They signed to Columbia in 1966, and while they never were to become a national success, their singles and albums continued to sell well in the Chicago area.

(an amazing mix of pop rock psych beautifully produced..something Brian Wilson would be proud of)

The group disbanded in December 1969, but reunited again and continues to tour. Jim "J.C. Hooke" Pilster and Tom Doody (Toad) are the only remaining original members in the current lineup. Two members of The Cryan' Shames have since died: bassist Dave Purple in June 2001, and his replacement Isaac Guillory, on December 31, 2000.

Sailing Ship...a great synthesis of psych sounds

Carol For Lorelei...etherial psych Baroque rock

In The Cafe....magic

Sunshine Psalm..great riffs

I Was Lonely When

..from their last LP...SYNTHESIS 1969

The Painter

The Master's Fool

Greenberg, Glickstein, Charles, David Smith & Jones

So forget this cruel world
and whatever’s going on
I'll accept my fate
while I sing this song.
But if one day you should see me from your cloud
lend a hand and lift me
Away from the crowd.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mr. Blues Singer Posted - 20/06/2013 : 20:08:35
The sailing ship were actually a hit for the Brian Jonestown Massacre. The play a storming and long version of the song live. They recorded it too
lemonade kid Posted - 19/06/2013 : 19:50:19
A fine cover of Hoagy Carmichael's old tune...

Baltimore Oriole

The full album--Synthesis

some great instrumental work...


The Cryan' Shames is an American garage rock group from Hinsdale, Illinois. They originally formed as The Travelers, with founding members Tom Doody ("Toad"), Gerry Stone ("Stonehenge"), Dave Purple ("Grape") of The Prowlers, Denny Conroy and Jim Fairs from The Roosters, Jim Pilster ("J.C. Hooke", so named because he was born without a left hand and wore a hook), and Bill Hughes. In 1966, upon learning that another band already had the name The Travelers, they needed to find another name; J.C. Hooke remarked that their difficulty in doing so was "a cryan' shame," and thus named the band. After signing with Bob Monaco, the promotion manager for Destination Music, their first hit single was "If I Needed Someone", which was not released in the US (but included on their debut album). It was soon followed by "Sugar and Spice," a Tony Hatch song that was a hit in 1963 (everywhere but in the US) for the English group The Searchers. The Shames' version reached #49 in the USA (while reaching #4 on local radio WLS). They signed to Columbia in 1966, and while they never were to become a national success, their singles and albums continued to sell well in the Chicago area. The group disbanded in December 1969, but reunited again and continues to tour. Jim "J.C. Hooke" Pilster and Tom Doody (Toad) are the only remaining original members in the current lineup. Two members of The Cryan' Shames have since died: bassist Dave Purple in June 2001, and his replacement Isaac Guillory, on December 31, 2000.

Synthesis is the third album by The Cryan' Shames and was released in 1968. It contains some lineup changes from their second album, A Scratch in the Sky. Drummer Dennis Conroy was replaced by Alan Dawson, and Jim Fairs moved on with Dave Carter on guitar. Synthesis is an apt name for an album that, like its predecessor, A Scratch in the Sky, proved the Cryan' Shames to be among the most versatile mainstream pop/rock groups of the late 1960s.

1. Greenburg, Glickstein, Charles, David Smith & Jones 0:00
2. Baltimore Oriole 2:16
3. It's All Right 6:46
4. Your Love 8:57
5. A Master's Fool 12:26
6. First Train To California 16:05
7. The Painter 19:04
8. Sweet Girl Of Mine 21:56
9. 20th Song 24:22
10. Let's Get Together 26:30
11. Symphony Of The Wind 29:57
Bonus Tracks:
12. A Master's Fool (Mono Single Version) 33:20
13. First Train To California (Mono Single Version) 37:00
14. Greenburg, Glickstein, Charles, David Smith And Jones (Mono Single Version) 40:00
15. Your Love (Mono Single Version) 42:19
16. 20th Song (Mono Single Version) 45:16
17. Let's Get Together (Mono Version) 47:28
18. Bits And Pieces 50:03
19. Rainmaker 52:40
Hidden Bonus Track:
20. Synthesis Promo Radio Spot 55:07

Tom Doody -- vocals
Jim Pilster -- vocals and percussion
Alan Dawson -- drums and vocals
Dave Carter -- vocals and guitar
Isaac Guillory -- vocals, guitar, bass and keyboards
Lenny Kerley -- vocals, bass and guitar


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
captain america and billy Posted - 15/06/2011 : 16:36:34
You know,I was just about to ask what that big hit they had that I hear sometimes on my local oldies station.I'm probably thinking ogf the Brit band,right?what the hell was THAT one?

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