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 Ringo interview in Uncut

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Joe Morris Posted - 25/05/2011 : 22:19:22
the most recent Uncut (Dylan cover) has a few pages of interview with Ringo

Apparently he was in the Rutles; can anyone confirm?
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Joe Morris Posted - 27/05/2011 : 23:51:33
lyrics for it turned up in the Illustrated Beatles Lyrics book (!)

don't know if George included the lyrics in I Me Mine!!
captain america and billy Posted - 27/05/2011 : 15:47:37
Videos of the very "Pirate Song" performance resurfaced on YouTube in the wake of Harrison's death in 2001.
Joe Morris Posted - 27/05/2011 : 15:43:57
Harrison did the Pirate Song (sung to the theme of My Sweet Lord) on Rutland Weekend Television, though thats never seen release on dvd (unlike Do Not Adjust Your Set, At Last the 1948 Show)

Ringo did turn up on Python once on a talk show hosted by the "Its..." man
captain america and billy Posted - 27/05/2011 : 15:07:11
It's possible Ringo may have appeared WITH the Rutles on Eric Idle's BBC-TV programme "Rutland Weekend Television",where the Pre-Fab originated.
Joe Morris Posted - 27/05/2011 : 02:00:59
he was originally gonna be in a show writ by Douglas Adams where he would have magical powers, but I don't think it ever saw production

captain america and billy Posted - 26/05/2011 : 17:21:27
I know George Harrison played a BBC newsman.I don't recall spying Ringo anywhere there or hearing about any cameos he may have done.

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