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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 19/05/2011 : 22:13:36
The term krautrock was originally a humorous one coined by the UK music press (such as New Musical Express and Melody Maker), where "krautrock" found an early and enthusiastic underground following. The term derives from the ethnic slur "kraut", and its use by the music press was inspired by a track from Amon Düül's Psychedelic Underground titled "Mama Düül und Ihre Sauerkrautband Spielt Auf" ('Mama Düül and her Sauerkrautband Strike Up.')[1][2][3] As is often the case with musical genre labels, few of the bands wished to see themselves pigeon-holed, and tended to eschew the term. The term is also a problematic category due to the considerable differences between the artists so labelled.

Musicologist Julian Cope, in his book Krautrocksampler, says "Krautrock is a subjective British phenomenon," based on the way the music was received in the UK rather than on the actual West German music scene out of which it grew.[1] For instance, while one of the main groups originally tagged as krautrock, Faust, recorded a seminal 12 minute track they titled "Krautrock", they would later distance themselves from the term, saying: "When the English people started talking about Krautrock, we thought they were just taking the piss... and when you hear the so-called 'Krautrock renaissance,' it makes me think everything we did was for nothing."[4]

I'll start with knocking your socks off...


Everyday I wanna get on my camel and ride!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DJRockwood Posted - 03/02/2012 : 00:56:11
If ya'll enthusiasts want a sweet Krautrock listening experience, I did a 3-hour all-krautrock episode of my radio show, Space Patrol, on WMSC Upper Montclair, NJ ( at Montclair State University a few weeks ago. It features Can, Neu!, Faust, Cluster, Analogy, Agitation-Free, Amon Duul II, Brainticket, Guru Guru, Kraftwerk, Zweistein, Eloy, Night Sun, Gunter Schickert, and a few others. I hope you can check out the archive; it's pretty exciting listening. Here is the link:

And you can let me know what you think, including correcting some of my possible historical errors, by commenting back or emailing me at


I'm a melody maker.
DaveyTee Posted - 22/01/2012 : 17:44:08
Or for anyone who likes Pink Floyd, you could always try Germany's answer:

Or with former Genesis singer (and Scotsman!) Ray Wilson:

DaveyTee Posted - 22/01/2012 : 01:22:26
Die Toten Hosen back in 1988 -

Love it, makes me smile. German's such a great language for rock.

waxburn Posted - 21/01/2012 : 23:51:06
love Krautrock AMMON DUUL 1 , and Neu all those groups
lemonade kid Posted - 21/01/2012 : 21:01:43

Pretty smokin' Prog/rock! Flute, smoking guitar and soaring organ!!

For a full album listen at youtube...!!


We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers & discoverers-
-thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses.
Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.

-Peter S. Beagle 1973
captain america and billy Posted - 21/05/2011 : 15:10:27
AH!So she's kind of like a Nico type technically but without so much of the droll approach.Actually,without ANY as far as I hear here.
lemonade kid Posted - 20/05/2011 : 19:09:18
Originally posted by captain america and billy

Alot like Yes,whose brand of progressive I've always enjoyed.Even a similar sounding lead singer.Who the hell was that anyway?Steve Howe or Chris what's his name?I'm not as good with band lineups as probably you are LK.Also,very scintillating percussion.Difficult tempos played with fine precision.

The deep voiced lead FEMALE vocalist is Chris Braun...quite good.

Everyday I wanna get on my camel and ride!
captain america and billy Posted - 20/05/2011 : 15:31:24
Alot like Yes,whose brand of progressive I've always enjoyed.Even a similar sounding lead singer.Who the hell was that anyway?Steve Howe or Chris what's his name?I'm not as good with band lineups as probably you are LK.Also,very scintillating percussion.Difficult tempos played with fine precision.

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