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 Favorite 60's Garage Rockers

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lemonade kid Posted - 11/05/2011 : 20:59:47
We all had aspirations of a record deal..we that had our little garage bands....a few made it...most were one hit wonders, although that is unfair, as many had great album(s) even after they fell off the map.

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LITTLE GIRL by SYNDiCATE OF SOUND...all the garage bands covered this great tune!

Everyday I want get on my camel and ride!
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captain america and billy Posted - 16/05/2011 : 15:18:16
These bands having been at the local CALIFORNIA events should come as no surprise,really.You gotta start somewhere and it IS where they're from.Hell,did you ever see the footage of the 1962 Beatles gigging in the sweaty,grungy basement of the Cavern Club?Now THAT'S humble beginings!Almost like their equivalent to the performers in the subways.Now I've heard of underground music but...
lemonade kid Posted - 15/05/2011 : 02:14:45
Nah...LA used to get a lot the "big" LA area groups to play the proms & high school gyms....Buffalo Springfield, The DOORS.. There is a boot of one appearance at a high school I have..Buffalo Springfield was there!!

Some who lived the times can tell you....they got a lot of bands that went on to become icons of the 60's!! Guess those LA high school fund raisers could come up with the big bucks!!

Everyday I want get on my camel and ride!
captain america and billy Posted - 14/05/2011 : 15:45:42
You're kiddin' me,right?I meant the RECORDS.They probably played the RECORDS at the proms.
rocker Posted - 12/05/2011 : 19:09:02
Question Mark and the Mysterians must surely have rocked many high school proms

hmmm...hey did they go to your hs too?????....
captain america and billy Posted - 12/05/2011 : 00:26:38
That's what the hell that song is!I always kind of dug it,but seems my local oldies station either never announces title and artist or I turn off or leave the room before they do.You know who I wish stuck with the garage thing just a little longer before they went "corporate"?Tommy James and the Shondelles."Hanky Panky" could have been part of at least a triology or so of classic garage standards.Of course,being a Bostonian,I can't neglect "Dirty Water" by the Standelles.Did I hear they actually were from Frisco?Still knocks 'em dead at Sox games!Then there's the mammoth that may have started it all "Louie Louie" by the Kingsmen.And what about "Surfin' Bird" by the Surfaris?Does this one qualify?Van Morrison and Them certainly inspired many a youth to learn their three chords with "Gloria",redone here famously by Shadows of Knight while Question Mark and the Mysterians must surely have rocked many high school proms with their grungy electric ballad "96 Tears".Great tunes sure to please retailers as well as those responsible for production budgets as most titles of this genre couldn't have been too expensive to have produced.Just check the levels,boys,just keep an eye on the levels.

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