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markk Posted - 11/05/2011 : 02:58:35
I don't know much about their music, other than they're British.
I bought a cheap CD of theirs just to hear Breakfast in America.
All and all, they have been growing on me and it's just some pretty pleasant listening. Well worth $2.99. Nice stuff.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ALLANAGAIN Posted - 12/05/2011 : 17:19:08
it was hard not to like Breakfast in kinda knew it was horribly commercial..but you,d find yourself singing or hummimg the tune.
Also the line" Take a look at my girl-freind" lead to many humerous versions that would be sung in the pub.
probably one of Supertramps worse songs , but the most succsesfull??
captain america and billy Posted - 12/05/2011 : 15:54:58
Tramps' major US success essentially ended with the chart run of "Breakfast in America".After that "Its Raining Again" was a top ten single here from a far less notable lp.However,I've always suspected that just as us Yanks were getting lost in the worlds of Michael Jacksons "Thriller",Springsteens's "Born in the USA",and whatever Madonnas next sexually narcissistic offering was,Supertramp remained fairly big in the Motherland.Is my suspicion correct?
Joe Morris Posted - 11/05/2011 : 19:30:17
I'm feelin so alone now
They took the telephone uh huh
Yeah my life is just a mess

So much for liberation
They'll have a celebration
Yeah I've been under too much stress
ALLANAGAIN Posted - 11/05/2011 : 18:49:49
I realy liked CRIME OF THE CENTURY back in my care- free youth....some great songs....a few years ago i bought it on C.D.
mY SON WAS LIVING WITH ME AT THE TIME....anyway i put the disc on , and after a few minutes he looked at me n said" THATS, CHEESE!"

cHILDREN.....gotta love ,em!

captain america and billy Posted - 11/05/2011 : 17:40:07
For a while "Logical Song" was the most popular Tramp oldie.Now I think I hear "Give A Little Bit" in alot of movies and on many stations specializing in 60's and 70's.Anyone remember "Canonball"?Usually,I hear this one on classic rock frequencies,mostly overnight.
ALLANAGAIN Posted - 11/05/2011 : 17:03:36
Crime Of The Cetury gong on here?
rocker Posted - 11/05/2011 : 14:26:45
and sing It's Raining Again ..that'll calm the old boy down!...
markk Posted - 11/05/2011 : 13:42:34
Try 2 Xanex. Set them on the top of your head and apply with a hammer. On alternate days substitute the hammer for a drill ensuring the holes are larger than the tablets. Then Take the Long way home.
Joe Morris Posted - 11/05/2011 : 03:53:16
Just another nervous wreck

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