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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 09/05/2011 : 20:04:05
We knew there was something in the air, and blowin' in the wind!

"Judges hand down the law with help from Bob Dylan",0,7196414,full.story

Everyday I want get on my camel and ride!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
captain america and billy Posted - 11/05/2011 : 18:13:38
For a while,I was out to get as many Apples as possible.Had most of the singles and albums.My father and uncle have many fifties rock and doo wop on some labels that were formed kind of fly by night and just as quickly became obscure oddities.Just try keeping track of all the independent labels of this era!Alot of guys who probably started up business out of a '55 Buick or something.I think the same may apply to thousands of old blues and jazz discs like the old '78's.I think "Bluebird" may have been one of the bigger monikers here.Anyone here have one of those "Sgt. Pepper" picture discs Capitol issued in 1978 to coincide with that horrendous movie with Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees?And speaking of Frampton,I'm loving my used vinyl copy of "Comes Alive".True guitar genius!
lemonade kid Posted - 10/05/2011 : 19:25:02
Originally posted by captain america and billy

There it is!That trademark "Stereo<360 sound>" emblem that embraced record jackets back in the times when it was a terrific thrill to enjoy prerecorded sound in this then newest technical innovation.Simpler times in a far more virtuous nation.Never owned the very earliest Dylan albums,but have enjoyed many clips of performances of many of these numbers on the countless PBS folk specials I have seen over the years.You know which track really blew my mind just for its sheer brialliant poetry alone?I think its called "Mama I'm Only Crying"?I was struck in the gray matter severly by the line "He who isn't busy being born is busy dying".

Most of my Dylan vinyl is first pressing so yeah...the <-360 Sound-> is everywhere and that label is one of my favorites along with the Capital rainbow label amd the gold label Elektra.

Everyday I want get on my camel and ride!
captain america and billy Posted - 10/05/2011 : 15:44:15
There it is!That trademark "Stereo<360 sound>" emblem that embraced record jackets back in the times when it was a terrific thrill to enjoy prerecorded sound in this then newest technical innovation.Simpler times in a far more virtuous nation.Never owned the very earliest Dylan albums,but have enjoyed many clips of performances of many of these numbers on the countless PBS folk specials I have seen over the years.You know which track really blew my mind just for its sheer brialliant poetry alone?I think its called "Mama I'm Only Crying"?I was struck in the gray matter severly by the line "He who isn't busy being born is busy dying".

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