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 PETER LEWIS of Moby Grape...still playing!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 08/05/2011 : 19:18:34
A favorite of mine...and he has done some very fine solo work!!!
Get it if you can!!

Of course he just appeared at that same Love venue a week ago or so....Rick-- you saw Peter?

I just found his 1995(?1997?) solo release and it is fantastic!! As good as a Grape Fan could want!

One of the founding members of Moby Grape, Peter Lewis is undoubtedly one of the most underrated musicians and contributors to come out of the '60s rock revolution. Lewis was born into a show business family, and is the son of a renowned actress, the late Loretta Young. While in high school, Lewis played guitar and sang in a pop/rock band called the Cornells, and also rubbed elbows with Ricky Nelson, among others. After attending military school and a brief stint in the Air Force, Lewis was, for a short time, a commercial pilot for Shell Oil. After seeing an early appearance by the Byrds, Lewis was inspired enough to make music his primary focus. "I would have stayed a pilot too if it wasn't for the Byrds. It was at the Long Beach Arena where I went with my girlfriend to see the Rolling Stones that it happened. Being in the pilot's program had completely absorbed me, and I had spent the last two years doing nothing but flying, or studying about flying. Music had been put in the background. It had no pull on me, because in my isolated situation, I still thought the music scene in America was pretty lame. That all changed when the opening band stepped on-stage that night at the Stones concert. Of course, it was the Byrds."

It was during this period that Lewis began to develop what was to become his signature fingerpicking guitar style. Although galvanized by Roger McGuinn's playing, Lewis chose to explore the style on the six-string electric, and this set him apart from many other guitarists at the time who were merely imitating McGuinn, utilizing 12-string Rickenbackers. For over a year, Lewis and his new band, Peter & the Wolves, played up and down the West Coast.

Sometime in 1966, Lewis began playing with another underestimated musical genius, Joel Scott Hill, and through him, met bassist/vocalist Bob Mosley, and the Moby Grape odyssey began. Lewis' contributions to the band were great and many. Aside from furnishing the band with some of their best and most accessible rockers such as "Fall on You" and "Goin' Down to Texas,", he also had an introspective, psychologically probing and psychedelic ballad style, and this is where his originality and talent truly shine. This is best represented on songs such as "He," "That Lost Horizon," "Horse Out in the Rain," and "Sittin' by the Window" (which be reprised brilliantly on his 1995 self-titled solo album). He also penned the profound "Changes, Circles Spinning," which can be seen as an ode to the end of the '60s, and was part of Joan Baez' late-'60s live repertoire.Between brief Moby Grape reunions in the '70s, Lewis and another Grape co-founder, the late Skip Spence, were instrumental in helping assemble the Doobie Brothers, as well as assisting in getting them signed to Warner Bros. Lewis was rumored to have an offer to join the band early on with Spence, but when his former bandmate decided not to pursue this, Lewis declined as well.

In 1995, he released his only solo album to date, Peter Lewis, on the German-based Taxim Records label. Produced by former Doobies guitarist John McFee, the record is a penetrating example of Lewis' unique talent, as well as his musical growth. He has spent the last few years recording tracks for a follow-up album, and still sporadically performs live as a solo artist and occasionally with some of the surviving members of Moby Grape. At his solo shows, as if to bring things full circle, he often performs a brilliant version of Gene Clark's "Set You Free This Time," which was originally on the Byrds' Turn! Turn! Turn! album. ~ Matthew Greenwald, Rovi

AMERICA...enjoy this wonderful song by Peter and get his solo work if you can!!!

Right Before My Eyes

What is this song from, Rick...and is it available...also AMerica....?

And from the GRAPE...always a fave by Peter

Everyday I want get on my camel and ride!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 10/05/2011 : 15:56:32
Just been playing the Sundazed issue (from 2007 - Out of Print) of the 1st album - like it a lot

Whats great is that (unlike on the Vintage) the track "Fall on you" has been edited to take out the comments by the producer (Rubinson?) that really make the track wearisome to listen to

on the Sundazed reissue the track is less than a minute whereas on Vintage its 2 16!

Also Rounder is kept till the end of the album, along with a few other bonus tracks (Free Ride, etc)

On Vintage the track is stuck after the side 1 closer Naked if I Want To, right before Someday
which kind of kills the flow of the album!
captain america and billy Posted - 10/05/2011 : 15:24:55
Absolutely with you on the shuffling issue,LK.Right around the time of "Rubber Soul",not only were teh artists taking their writing and instrumental flavorings with more zeal,it was also around this time that programing of track selection became a key issue as well.This was the end of the days when ALL pop albums were sporadically thrown together aruond maybe one or two slightly strategically placed hit singles.After "Rubber Soul",Brian Wilson whisked us away to the wonderful world of "Pet Sounds" where song placemnet proved a most pivotal ingredient of listener enjoyment.A flawless programme.
Joe Morris Posted - 09/05/2011 : 18:19:09
the Vintage 2CD comp would seem to have everything a Moby Grape fan could want, including all of the 1st album (albeit with a live track in between the 2 sides, which does break up the flow

Just got the 2007 Sundazed release of the 1st album, so I'll undoubtedly do a video review of that shortly

Don't know if the Sony Vintage is out of print, or available on import, but it seems to be the cheapest way to get the 1st album on cd

(Katz's label San Francisco Sound offers the 1st album on cd, but seems to be a vinyl lift?
lemonade kid Posted - 09/05/2011 : 17:58:48

I rarely listen to compilations, also, capt'...

...for me, it is best to take in a record's music as it was intended...with each track forming the complete whole as the record unfolds. Of course, growing up in an age where there WAS only vinyl set the course....but really, it forced us to take it all in, one track at a time, Rubber Soul, Crown Of Creation, The White that was a TRIP!!!

I have a friend who will never let me put on just side two, or start with side TWO!!! has to be in ORDER...side ONE/Side TWO....

Especially when I am placing FOREVER CHANGES ON THE TURNTABLE...of course nowadays playing side two over side one is never an's all ONE side.

but PLEASE , but PLEASE!!!...

Never SHUFFLE my music!!! The worst invention made us lazy listeners....we don't even have to decide what to listen to!

Just press shuffle my play list & it is decided for us!! DOn't do it, don't do it, don'tcha break my heart!

Sorry, just a SMALL pet peeve of mine!!

Now why did I start this thread? Oh yeah...some Moby Grape faves for the Capt'!!


OMAHA...listen my friend!!

Hey Grandma

On the Mike Douglas Show

It's A Beautiful Day Today
...actually a favorite too!! From Grape '69.
A surprise..this is a great album! A last hoorah for the Grape!
Well they had some good music still to come.


Everyday I want get on my camel and ride!
captain america and billy Posted - 09/05/2011 : 15:25:19
For a long time,the Grapes had all but fallen through the cracks of time and their music only remained in the hearts and minds of only the most serious collectors and critics.But recently,probably because of an excellent showing on Rolling Stone's top 500 albums ever survey,I have detected their name on many web sites celebrating psychedelic or 60's music in general.I was long curious to hear even ONE track as the "Moby Grape" card at my record shop either is empty ior only containes a "best of".I'm holding out for their initial release after all the raves.I'm not as a big a fan of the compilations as I once was.They sound so good so far.
Joe Morris Posted - 08/05/2011 : 19:50:25
hows Mosley Grape, and Bob Mosleys solo stuff

Only have him on video (since transferred to dvdr) jamming

is Katz dead yet so they can rerelease the 1st album decently?

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