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 Mike Nesmith-Dr. Duck's Super Secret Sauce promo!

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lemonade kid Posted - 03/05/2011 : 21:58:29
Funny Stuff...Nez has always been cutting edge!

"Where the cool guys are....."

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5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
captain america and billy Posted - 05/05/2011 : 15:17:05
Bought a 45 of Nesmith's 1973 hit with his First National Band,"Joanne" on the orange RCA label.Superb country ballad that exhibits the same sophisticated songwriting nuance as "Different Drum" which he wrote for Linda Ronstadt and the Stone Poneys.Nesmith can be seen perforfming a snippet of the tune in a "Monkees" episode.
Joe Morris Posted - 04/05/2011 : 23:37:23
the last Monkees album (Changes) didn't have Michael or Peter, curiously; there was a fear that one of them would go on as the Monkee!
bob f. Posted - 04/05/2011 : 23:33:02
"The Monkees" are doing concerts, soon, without Nesmith. Too bad, I think they have a right , but, without all original members, it aint the Monkees. I have several Mike Nesmith albums , and enjoy the music alot!

...what the world needs now...
captain america and billy Posted - 04/05/2011 : 16:05:56
I remember seeing this on a NBC special in 82 or 83.Nesmith won the first video grammy for "Elephant Parts" soldl the original designs of all video formatted tv to up an coming venture called MTV.ALl this on top of Monkees royalties and an inheritance from his mother who invented liquid paper!
Joe Morris Posted - 04/05/2011 : 02:19:56
I like when in Elephant Parts hes using his live lp to cut up some food!

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