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 Re: Neil Diamond in the R and R Hall of Fame

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Morris Posted - 26/01/2011 : 04:15:24
Neil Diamond is in the Rock and Roll hall of fame
and no Love


and can someone tell me how the Dave Clark are in there? has anyone even heard of that band?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joe Morris Posted - 26/01/2011 : 19:02:04
yeah, but noones heard of them have they? even Nick Drake is more of a name now than the DC5 (NOT MC5, the DC5!

the only time I can recollect them being mentioned is in a film by Tom Hanks (That thing you do - probably in the extended edition?) where the Wonders are getting compared to them

Love get a mention in the deleted scenes of the Doors film incidentally
markk Posted - 26/01/2011 : 16:02:51
Oh yeah, believe it or not, they were no. 1, only to be taken out by The Beatles. They had the looks, and created a lot of excitement and screaming girls. Oh yeah, a few good tunes too.

"All at once it happenned, the prettiest in the world
I said won't ya come over and talk to me
And be my girl"

Times and lyrics were much simpler.

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